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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

9 years ago

Happy Holidays – May All Your Dreams Come True!

Wherever you are in the world today, I’d like to ask a favour. Please leave a comment below for everyone in the Sixty and Me community to wish them a Merry Christmas or a Happy Holidays! Read More

9 years ago

The Holidays Don’t Have to Be Boring – Perhaps It’s Time for Something Completely Different!

The holidays are filled with predicable patterns that give meaning to the season. There is something comforting about doing the same thing year after year; it gives a sense of consistency and ritual. Read More

10 years ago

Gift Giving Can be Fun! What is the Wackiest Gift You Ever Received?

The tradition of gift giving is an important part of the holidays and some people take it very seriously. Grandchildren produce long and detailed fantasy lists with items that they know are pushing every possible button. Where exactly can one buy teleportation machines these days? Unless you start planning in July, you might be waiting in long lines for those in demand gifts. Read More

10 years ago

Connecting Modern Families through Magical Holiday Traditions

Even though families are spread across the world these days, the holiday season offers an opportunity to connect even the most tenuous dots. Many families live close enough to visit each other. This is great because everyone can connect physically with great food, entertainment, walks or fun planned activities. Read More

11 years ago

6 New Holiday Traditions to Consider this Year

Family traditions are the foundation of a happy holiday season, whether that means decorating a Christmas tree or sharing Christmas dinner, or giving gifts and lighting menorah candles for Hanukkah, or whatever your family does together to make the holidays special.

One of the privileges of being women over 60 is that we often are assuming the role of matriarchs for our families and extended families – and we get to be the leaders at the center of our family celebrations. So if you would like to try Read More

11 years ago

6 Easy Christmas Dinner Ideas that Will Get Your Guests Talking

Christmas dinner is a cherished tradition and, for women over 60, we often feel the urge to go “above and beyond” with unique Christmas dinner ideas.

Especially with so many lifestyle gurus like Martha Stewart showing us how to make beautiful things for our homes and create warm, welcoming experiences for our guests, many women over sixty might find themselves wanting to do something really special for Christmas dinner this year.

But, how can you create a one-of-a-kind Christmas dinner experience without a lot of unnecessary clutter, work and expenses? Read More