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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

7 years ago

5 Things to Get Rid of and 5 Things to Embrace as an Older Woman in 2018

As the end of the year approaches, I begin to putter around in closets and cabinets, donating those things that I am not using. I enjoy simplicity and orderliness. But it’s not just the cabinets and drawers that deserve attention, it’s the stressful things in our psyche that we should be willing to give up. Read More

7 years ago

Forget Scented Candles! 4 Christmas Gifts for Grandma that Won’t End Up in the Trash

What are the best Christmas gifts for grandma? Well, as the leader of, Sixty and Me, a community with 100,000s of grandmas, let me start by telling you what NOT to get… candles, slippers, clothes or bath salts! If we wanted any of those things, we would get them ourselves.  Read More

7 years ago

Switch Your Focus to Relieve Thanksgiving Stress

Ah, Thanksgiving! A time of celebration, of gratitude and family get-togethers.

For some, getting together with extended family is a joyous tradition. For others, it’s joyous only some of the time. Not all family is created equal, however. Read More

7 years ago

Is Halloween Too Scary for People with Dementia?

I’m not sure which was more exciting for my grandpa: having trick-or-treaters come to the door, or calling my mom the next morning to report how many he’d had. Read More

7 years ago

How to Have a Happy Halloween Supper with the Grandkids

Halloween is relatively new to the UK – well, as a holiday type celebration it is!

We’ve had All Hallow’s Eve as an ongoing ‘thing’ for hundreds of years, but it’s only caught on in a big way in the last couple of years. Read More

8 years ago

6 Creative Birthday Gifts for Women Over 60 That Won’t Clutter Up the House

“What do you want for your birthday?” That’s a tough one, isn’t it? But seriously, the last thing retired people need is more stuff. It’s a time when we are trying to get rid of all the items we no longer use. In a few years, we expect to move to a smaller place, right? Read More

8 years ago

7 Unique Holiday Gift Ideas That Will Never Go Out of Style

It is our favourite time of the year again! The holiday spirit is taking over and we feel our hearts getting warm and filled with love, gratitude and joy. It is a season when we remind ourselves of just how little it takes to be happy with our loved ones by our side. However, it […]

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8 years ago

MORE! Extravagant Gift Ideas for Women on a Budget

Hi everyone! This is Part Two of Extravagant Gifts on a Budget. If you haven’t read the first installment, please do! In that article, I discussed the joy of giving and receiving unexpected gifts and went over one of the most important issues: beautiful wrapping. Read More

8 years ago

Unwrapping the Secret to Extravagant Gift Giving On a Budget

I LOVE giving gifts. I love thinking about gifts. I love looking for gifts. I love wrapping gifts. But more than anything I love surprising someone with a gift they didn’t expect. Read More

9 years ago

How to Stick With Your New Year’s Resolutions

Women over 60 are often interested in self-improvement and making positive changes in our lives. New Year’s Resolutions can be an ideal opportunity to take stock of where we are in life and chart a course for where we want to go during the year ahead. Read More