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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

6 years ago

Try this New Strategy to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

So, it’s the start of another new year and you know what that means – resolutions. I have an impressive history of faithfulness regarding resolutions, faithfully making and breaking them, that is.

Every January 1st, I faithfully write down my resolutions in my journal and just as faithfully break most of them before the ink has completely dried on the page. Read More

6 years ago

My #1 New Year’s Resolution… and Some Help for Setting Yours

Like many of you, my life is in a constant state of change. I am always growing, learning and trying to make myself a better person. But, despite all of this, I still try to set a couple of New Year’s resolutions each year… not to be hard on myself, but, to celebrate my potential. Today, I would like to share one of my New Year’s resolutions with you. I’d also give you some help for setting your own goals for 2019. New Year’s resolutions not your thing? Don’t worry! We have plenty of other fun articles and videos below. Join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

As the year winds down, I am reminded of all the New Year’s resolutions I didn’t stick to over the year. How do I remember? Because I’ve started to create a new list for the incoming year and the resolutions are exactly the same: Read More

6 years ago

8 Ways to Make a Fresh Start in the New Year

Don’t make a resolution to lose weight! I know the number one New Year’s Resolution is getting in shape and losing weight. A resolution can be very confining and having a set date to achieve each of our goals may or may not work. You have probably heard people say they need to lose weight by a certain date. Read More

6 years ago

Top 3 Tech-Inspired New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Are they always the same? Are you looking to improve your knowledge of technology and its many uses? Why not update your old, same resolutions with tech-inspiration? Read More

6 years ago

Will Your Belief in Baby Steps Doom Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year?

Happy New Year! Perhaps you’ve made a resolution – or two or three – to make 2019 a year of change for you. Fine. Good first step.

Getting committed, really committed, is the message of a recent, highly acclaimed book by Linda Formichelli. It is called Commit: How to Blast Through Problems & Reach Your Goals Through Massive Action. Read More

6 years ago

7 Easy Steps to Make Your Goals Fun and Doable After 60: Are You Willing to Try Them?

Each new year promises us a fresh start, a time to reflect on our lives, and an opportunity to discover and set (or reset) our priorities.

Whether we call them resolutions, goals, or a vision for the year, we want to ensure that we build success and momentum as we move forward with our commitments. Read More

6 years ago

What Will You Resolve to Do in 2019? The Case for Doing What We Love…

Some four thousand years ago in Babylonia, the people celebrated the planting of new crops and the beginning of the new year. At the end of the elaborate, 12-day, religious festival Akitu, the people of Mesopotamia would support the existing king or crown a replacement. Read More

6 years ago

6 Hip Winter Holiday Ideas that Won’t Cost an Arm and a Leg

Traveling in winter holds a special allure – it can be fun to get away from home if you live in a cold weather climate and enjoy sunnier days. Or even if you don’t want to go to the beach, traveling in winter can also be an ideal opportunity to explore new cities or enjoy some “indoor sights,” whether that means restaurants, cinema, museums, concerts or nightlife.

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6 years ago

Why You Shouldn’t Make New Year’s Resolutions

Doesn’t it seem like just yesterday when 2018 was being heralded in?

Now we stand at the crossroads of a new beginning once again. And for many of us, that means resolving to do something good for ourselves in the upcoming year. Read More