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Holidays like Christmas, Grandparents Day, Halloween and New Years offer opportunities to spend time with the people we care about most. In this section, we will discuss holiday ideas to bring you closer to your friends and family.

5 years ago

The Empty Chair: The One Essential Way for the Bereaved to Cope Better with That First Christmas

You imagine ahead to your traditional dinner: you know what you will be eating, you know who you will be celebrating with, you know where you will be – but suddenly your heart drops. This year there will be an empty chair round that table. Read More

5 years ago

How to Give and Receive Gifts Graciously During the Holidays

With Christmas approaching, presents, trees, decorations and even the gorgeous lights in the different towns we visit sometimes seems a little pointless. So many other people are doing the same thing! It’s almost overload. Read More

5 years ago

Holiday Beauty Makeup for Boomer Women: How to Sparkle Like You Mean It

Growing up in a small town in Washington State in the United States, the holiday season was, and still is, celebrated with gusto. My aunties, cousins, and crazy neighbors pull out all the festive glitter…

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5 years ago

Family Gatherings Not Your Thing? You Can Still Have a Happy Holidays!

There’s usually no way to avoid a holiday get-together. If you’ve got a large family or live far from your parents or siblings, chances are you’re heading to a relative’s house this month.

Or, perhaps you’ve got your own circle of friends and prefer a more sedate dinner rather than a house full of children of varying ages, along with the obligatory exchange of gifts. Read More

5 years ago

Dealing with Christmas Stress in My Own Special Way

If Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, why are we all so stressed, anxious and miserable? Have you ever noticed how many deaths occur in December? How many people get sick? How many people are divorcing? Fighting? Separating? Angry? Pissed off?

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5 years ago

3 Mindfulness Tools to Stop You from Overindulging in Holiday Treats

I often think back several years ago to a time when I wanted to quit drinking coffee. Each day I would walk by a lovely café en route to work and that little voice in my head would say, I want a cup of coffee.

Before I knew it, I was carrying a steaming hot latte into my office. I felt totally powerless to keep my word. My thoughts called the shots. Has this ever happened to you? Read More

5 years ago

5 Financial Ideas to Help Aging Women End the Year with Dignity and Gratitude

Regardless of how we feel about it, this year is rolling to a close. Perhaps we failed to achieve the goals we had set for ourselves in those past 12 months. Or, maybe we managed to fulfill our expectations. Read More

5 years ago

The Best Gift Ever: The Surprisingly Inexpensive, Yet Priceless Christmas Present

Jill was in the kitchen, right in the middle of making cookies. I’d been at their house for about a week, which is typical around Christmas, when I spend my annual two weeks at their home in Eastern Washington. Read More

5 years ago

The New Year’s Resolution that Will Save You the Most in Health Care Costs

Just the other day, I was talking with one of my clients, and we both couldn’t believe that it was almost the new year! Of course, we started talking about New Year’s resolutions and whether or not we participated in this ritual…

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5 years ago

Top 10 Food Trends for 2020 – Will They Change Your Life?

The start of every decade brings along promotions and trends of all sorts, many of which affect our food choices. Are you curious about the food trends expected to surface in 2020? Perhaps you have noticed some of them?

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