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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

2 years ago

Discovering the Power of Words in 4 Generations of Women

I’m pretty psyched. I completed what turned out to be the fourth or even fifth, actually more likely the fifteenth, set of revisions on my book. It has been a three-year project, and I have my community to thank for this feat…

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2 years ago

Prepare for a Foreign Vacation by Learning the Language

How does the idea of a road trip or a vacation sound to you right now? Pretty good, I would venture to guess. In every vacation, we take two pleasure trips. One is the trip itself. The other is the anticipation of the experience – the planning…

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2 years ago

Does Learning a Musical Instrument Maintain Brain Health?

Learning to play a musical instrument is something that many of us have considered doing at some point. As well as being fun and providing a great sense of achievement, there are many health benefits of playing an instrument…

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2 years ago

How to Get Involved in the Creative Arts in Your 60s  

We all know how important it is to incorporate physical exercise in our lives to help us age well. It’s good for our bodies, of course, but also for our spirits. It raises our sense of well-being, perhaps enhancing our connection to nature…

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2 years ago

5 Reasons Why You Need to Tell Your Stories Now that You’re 60

When we enter the golden age beyond 60, we start to think about matters that didn’t concern us before. Like leaving a legacy and sharing our stories. Have you thought about it?

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2 years ago

For the Birds! Or Can Bird Watching Help Your Wellbeing?

During the height of the pandemic, in early 2020, I joined the Cornell University Feederwatch program. Each week, on two consecutive days, I recorded the species who visited the feeders outside my kitchen window…

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2 years ago

An Interesting Black Spring in the Arts

Black people have always been writing and singing, but few companies were producing Black Art. To garner the substantial funds to produce for storefront theater, much less Chicago Lyric Opera or Broadway, requires a guarantee of success…

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2 years ago

My Second Act Dream is Flipping Houses. What’s Yours?

I am a sucker for a before and after transformation. My dream job would be to flip houses! What is something that you would do if time, money and resources wasn’t an issue? I would be looking for that one diamond in the rough piece…

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2 years ago

Creativity in Retirement: A Myth or a Possibility?

Family gatherings are fascinating experiences. They can be wonderful moments of shared love and joy. They can also tip to the other extreme and result in conflict. But usually everyone makes up again and all ends well…

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2 years ago

Tips and Tricks for Becoming a Lifelong Learner

All through college and in my first writing job, my work horse was an old black Corona typewriter. Things were a little fancier at the corporate headquarters, where I clacked out copy on a state-of-the-art IBM Selectric…

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