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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

2 years ago

6 Blissful Ways to Write During the New Year

We are about to embark on a new decade, and for most of us, this marks our sixth or seventh decade on the Earth. With a new decade, we can choose to make intentions for new beginnings…

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2 years ago

Attention Mature Women: Airlines Love Flight Attendants Over 40!

Do you fly frequently? Have you noticed that very young flight attendants are not the norm anymore? That’s because airlines are hiring and training brand new flight attendants in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s!

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2 years ago

How to Write a Book About Your Family History

I can’t and don’t intend to tell anyone how to write a book. Every writer goes about their task in a different way, and while rules do exist – readability is key, for a start – they are also there to be broken. I had never written a book before…

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2 years ago

Oil or Acrylic Paint? Use Both and Improve Your Painting Quickly

Over the years a popular question from new artists is, why paint in oils? After all, we perceive oils as more expensive and dad for your health. Plus, the solvents are dangerous. Oil paints are also difficult to use. Paint in acrylics and remove all these worries…

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2 years ago

Writing Your Memoir and Why it Matters – Part 2

In a previous blog we touched upon the importance of identifying themes when writing your memoir. Here we will examine and explore what happens after you’ve outlined your book themes. That will enable you to plot a patchwork story…

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2 years ago

How to Keep Your Poinsettia Looking Its Best Through the Holidays

Poinsettias are a favorite holiday plant to give and receive, but they can present a bit of a challenge – and perhaps some frustration – as you watch this beautiful plant decline each day. If it makes you feel any better, you are not alone…

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2 years ago

Getting to Know My Ancestors Took Years

When it came to researching my family history, I was lucky. My aunt had done much of the groundwork for me. She spent her retirement years travelling between Australia and England investigating our ancestry going back to the 16th century…

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2 years ago

Lifelong Learning: 5 Reasons Why Sewing Is a Good Skill to Have After 60

Ever since home sewing machines came to be, they have been a helpful asset and a reliable partner of capable housewives who either had some spare time for a hobby, or more likely had to dress their entire households with a fairly small budget…

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2 years ago

Developing Mindfulness Through Painting May Lead to a Better Retirement

It was George Bernard Shaw who said “Youth is wasted on the young.” I sometimes remind my young adult sons about this when they are getting uppity. This amusing quote, like all good quotes, has more than a grain of truth to it…

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2 years ago

How to Find Your Writer’s Voice After 6 Decades of Living Abundantly

We’re all storytellers. Was there a time years ago when you did a lot of writing or dreamed about being a writer? Perhaps people have told you that you should write a book. Maybe you want to share a family story or secret…

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