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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

1 year ago

The 3 Cs for Enhancing Creativity in Your 60s: Color-Contrast-Curiosity

Retirement is a fruitful time to develop creative projects and activities that inspire and increase the general health of your mind, body, and spirit. So, let’s get creative! During my working years I wrote textbooks on acting as well as a plethora of articles for magazines…

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1 year ago

Nervous About Being a Late Bloomer? 7 Ways to Go for It

When I was in my early 30s, I lived in a two-story house nestled in the forest high up in the Green mountains of Vermont. We were far from the madding crowd for months at a time. It was from that perspective on one cold, sunny morning that I was looking…

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2 years ago

Discovering New Sports After 60

The cooler breezes and shorter days signaled to me that the end of our magnificent Autumn was fast approaching. I mourned the thought of having to store away my bike, golf clubs and outdoor sneakers, and other constant warm weather…

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2 years ago

Singing Lessons or Choir – Which One Is Right for You?

I was recently talking with a friend in her 60s who told me that she was considering auditioning to join a choir. She explained to me, “My voice is getting weak. I just don’t have the power I used to have. Do you think that singing in a choir…

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2 years ago

How Losing Yourself in Your Passions Can Help You Find Happiness at Any Age

As I stir chicken broth and garlic cloves into the simmering pot of bland-looking cauliflower, I smile and chuckle to myself. How will this concoction go over at the dinner table tonight?

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2 years ago

6 Keys to Being Creative at Any Age

We would all like to be creative. Perhaps it is not so hard. “Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people,” noted the late Leo Burnett, outstanding advertising executive. If so, then by encouraging…

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2 years ago

Childhood Fears Still Holding You Back? It’s Never Too Late to Overcome Them!

Was there something you really, really wanted to do when you were younger, but you walked away from it because you didn’t think you could do it? I loved to write. I mean, I loved it. I kept diaries, I had literally dozens of pen pals all over the world…

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2 years ago

10 Questions to Ask Before You Start Writing a Book

These days there are many options if you’re hoping to publish your book. You can do it yourself using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, or other similar services. You write your book, format it and upload files to the website…

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2 years ago

Decorate Your Home to Vanquish the After-Christmas Blues

There is a paradox of relief and sadness when you accept that the holidays are finished. Gone is the sense of magic that permeated your home, the lights, the scent, the warmth, and the promise; all your efforts created joy and excitement…

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2 years ago

Is 2023 Your Year to Start Playing the Piano?

Have you always wanted to learn how to play the piano, or regretted quitting piano lessons as a child? Perhaps you have been hesitating because, with the threat of Covid, you are uncomfortable with the idea of going into a piano teacher’s home?

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