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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

8 years ago

Writing, Cats, Yoga and Ceramics – Embracing Life After Retirement (Video)

For most of our lives, we look forward to retirement as if it was the ultimate destination. We monitor our savings account, hoping that we have enough money to maintain our quality of life. We think about all of the fabulous places that we want to go. We dream about what we will do with ourselves when, for the first time in more than 4 decades, we have free time again. Read More

8 years ago

7 Simple Steps to Becoming a Writer After 60

Second Chapters. Third Acts. Call it what you will, your sixties are a time to recreate, reclaim and often reinvent yourself. You may be retired or partially so. You did a good job with the kids and they are carving out their own lives now. Maybe you’ve left a marriage and find yourself single again. Read More

8 years ago

Is Your Love of Baking and Cooking Increasing with Your Age?

As my kids will tell you, for decades, my baking skills were limited to burning grilled cheese sandwiches. On second thought, I’m not even sure if toasting bread counts as “baking.” Perhaps one of my more accomplished Sixty and Me sisters can clarify this for me! Read More

8 years ago

The Thrill of Thrifting: Save Money and Find Treasures in Your 60s

If you have a nose for high fashion, but, don’t always have as much as you would like to spend on it, welcome to my world! Fortunately, I have discovered quite a few clever solutions to this problem…

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8 years ago

Exploring the Fabulous Tradition of Afternoon Tea

Today, wherever you happen to be in the world, you can usually find somewhere offering English Afternoon Tea between 3-5 pm. Here is a small selection of very special places for tea across the U.K. If you live in the U.K., why not treat yourself this week? If not, I hope that you will sample this fantastic tradition on your next trip to this side of the pond…

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9 years ago

Collecting is One of the Best Hobbies for Women Over 50

If you have followed Sixty and Me for a while, you may be surprised to see me posting an article on why “collecting things” is such an amazing hobby for older women. After all, I’ve spent much of the last decade simplifying my life. Read More

9 years ago

It’s Time to Reveal Your Secret Treasure! What One Thing You Couldn’t Live Without?

If someone asked me to reveal the one thing (remember a thing not a person) that I couldn’t live without, I would immediately say my phone. That’s it. My world exists in that tiny device. I panic when I leave the house without it and am always astonished when I hear that the average person checks their mobile phones around 60 times a day. Read More

9 years ago

Daisies, Roses or Tulips? What Does Your Favorite Flower Say About You?

We often talk about our fashion and home décor choices and how they reflect our personality and style. I was thinking today about how our style is also reflected in less obvious choices that we make. Read More

9 years ago

So, You’re Ready to Sell Your Crafts Online – Here’s How to Market Them

In previous articles, we have discussed many aspects of selling your handmade items online. First, we started with an explanation of how to improve your crafting skills. Then we discussed how to decide which items to create. In the last article we covered where to sell your items online. And, now, in this final article in our craftpreneur series, I would like to cover how to find customers. Read More

9 years ago

5 Compelling Reasons You Should Write a Book After 60

“I am of the firm belief that everybody could write books and I never understand why they don’t.” Beryl Bainbridge

As a writing coach and author, I do understand why. The two main reasons are related: lack of confidence in what they have to say, and not knowing how to start. That is why I set aside time to write a step by step guide that would lead a first-time writer through the whole process of planning, researching, writing, publishing and selling their own book. Read More