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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

7 years ago

How to Self-Publish a Book at Any Age: First, Avoid These 5 Mistakes!

Working with first-time authors to complete and publish their work is incredibly rewarding. Helping people nurture and develop a concept, research a subject or share a personal story is exciting for both the author and me, in my role as coach and book shepherd. Read More

7 years ago

You’re Never Too Old to Rock and Roll, Even if You’re Creakier in the Knees!

I love to dance. I can’t dance the way I did in my 20s – all night long, but I still love to dance. Okay, so maybe my moves are a little stiffer than they used to be, but moving to music remains a great joy in my life. Read More

7 years ago

How to Break Though Creative Block and Start Painting After 60

There is one excellent reason for trying a creative workshop. There are others of course, but this one beats them all. Know what it is? Read More

7 years ago

What Musical Instrument Have You Always Wanted to Learn?

One of the best things about turning 60 is that you finally have the confidence and freedom to live life on your terms.

You can wear the clothes that you feel comfortable in, without worrying what other people think. You can pursue your passions, no matter how unique or unusual. You can learn to play the drums or become a DJ. Read More

7 years ago

Why Creative, Unusual and Weird Passions Are the Best

In one of his famous TED talks Sir Ken Robinson tells a story about a boy who loves to do handstands. His passion becomes so intense that he eventually spends much of his day walking around the house upside down. His mother, exasperated, eventually yells, “Ok, we got it! Can’t you just cut it out with the ‘hand thing’?” Read More

7 years ago

Do You Like Doing Crossword Puzzles?

When my kids were still in the house, “me time” was a complete fantasy. I never understood people who said that they liked crossword puzzles, scrapbooking or knitting. I mean, who has the time?

I didn’t have anything against these activities. It’s just that, fun though they might sound, the idea of sitting down for 30 minutes with a cup of tea and the New York Times crossword puzzle sounded like a crazy overindulgence – something like reading for pleasure or, heaven forbid, taking a bubble-bath. Read More

7 years ago

How to Find Charity Knitting Projects that Warm the World… and Your Heart!

As we continue to encourage positive aging here in the Sixty and Me community, we’ve discussed how important it is to maintain some hobbies that bring you joy. Read More

7 years ago

Travel and Painting: A Beautiful Way to See the World After Retirement

You may have set travel as one of your retirement goals already. No doubt we have heard many express, “When I retire I want to travel more.”
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7 years ago

Yarns, Accessories and Knitting Patterns for Beginners – No More Excuses!

Finding hobbies and activities that enrich your life is important at any age. But here at Sixty and Me, we know that it’s especially important to pursue these passions as we get older. Read More

7 years ago

Delicious Cacao and Coconut Booster Balls Recipe

How many of you have decided that enough is enough and will now cut down on sweet things post-Christmas? Just before the festivities I thought about sending a memo to my body:

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