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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

7 years ago

How Sharing a Passion for Jewelry Can Lead to a Wonderful Friendship After 60

Relationships have always been very important to me, both in my business and in personal life. One aspect of consulting I really miss is getting to know my clients. Unfortunately, being the proprietor of an online boutique, I find operating in such an anonymous environment difficult. Read More

7 years ago

5 Reasons Taking an Acting Class in Retirement Might Be Good for You

I did a lot of acting when I was a child. Early family productions of the Nativity story featured me, as Mary, screaming “The Baby is Coming! The Baby is Coming!” while my brother dropped a Baby Tenderlove doll onto my lap from the top of the staircase. Read More

7 years ago

Have You Tried Our FREE Mahjong Game?

What is Mahjong and why is it so fun? Mahjong, despite its exotic sounding name, is actually a simple and fun game to play! Read More

7 years ago

Have You Played Our FREE Daily Crossword Puzzle?

At Sixty and Me, we are always looking for ways to bring a smile to your face… and, if we can do this in a way that also stretches your brain, so much the better! Read More

7 years ago

Nourish Your Inner Project Manager Through Cooking

Recently, I spent a week at the house of my 86-year-old mother. I was there to help her to clear out her home in preparation for an imminent move to an independent living facility. Read More

7 years ago

Don’t Wait! Here Are 7 Crucial Reasons to Write Your Life Story, Right Now

Looking at my Dad lying in the hospital bed, unable to talk due to the recent stroke he’d had, I could only be thankful that some years ago we took the time to have a particular conversation. Read More

7 years ago

7 Ways to Stay in the Driver’s Seat in Your Sixties

For the past few years, my husband has suffered from a few illnesses affecting his ability to drive a car for various periods of time. This is a gut-wrenching fate for any man to accept. But the impact isn’t just one-sided. Read More

7 years ago

Can Knitting for Charity Make the World a Better Place? You Bet!

One for you, one for me. That is the philosophy behind many projects and organizations that promote and encourage knitting for charity. Alternating between personal projects and projects to be donated helps women remain mindful of knitting for others. Read More

7 years ago

How to Paint Expressive and Realistic Paintings

Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too. Many painting enthusiasts in my classes want to paint realistic works. Perhaps this comes from photography where a sharp picture is appreciated. Read More

7 years ago

Inspiration from Women Artists: Boost Your Creativity in Retirement

If you live near or in a city, you’ll most likely be surrounded by diversity and cultures, different perhaps from your own. And whatever your background, it can be very inspiring to observe the habits of other folks and enjoy the foods, fashions and arts of other cultures.
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