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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

3 years ago

How to Get a Book Published in Your 50s, 60s or Beyond

Is writing a memoir, novel, or self-help book on your bucket list? Does the thought of writing your story fill you with excitement? Whether you’ve been writing for years or are just beginning to nurture that kernel of creativity, your dream of seeing your name…

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3 years ago

Illuminating the Age-Old Art of Lampwork

Several years ago, I was visiting my sister in southern British Columbia, Canada. We spent the day in the former mining town of Kimberly, wandering the brick streets now lined with boutiques and shops. In one of those shops I was stopped in my tracks…

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3 years ago

What Will You Do Differently This Year?

When I open my online workshops these days, I often put the following directive on the screen: “In chat, tell us something you’ll do differently in 2021.” It’s meant to be a conversation starter before we begin the business of the day. Lately, however, I’ve been…

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4 years ago

Reconnecting With Baking In Your 60s – Plus My Yummy Skillet Bread Recipe!

Cooking when we were young is a whole different animal then it is in our 60’s. Don’t you think? We did it because we more or less had to put food on the table. Kids were hungry, husband came home hungry. So really we would just throw…

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4 years ago

Can You Still Enjoy or Play Music If You Suffer Hearing Loss?

Does a loss of hearing prevent you from listening to or playing a musical instrument? It’s a question I hear all the time. The answers can be quite surprising, but before we jump in too far, let’s examine the phenomenon of hearing loss…

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4 years ago

Beyond Bingo: Making Older Adult Activities Meaningful with Live Streams

My friend and colleague Gloria Hoffner, creator of Science for Seniors, is a one-woman crusade against Bingo in senior living. It’s not that there is no place for it in senior living activities, it’s when it becomes the only and all-consuming…

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4 years ago

60 and Wondering What to Do with Your Life? Start a Blog!

How many blogs do you read in an average week? Have you ever wondered whether you should start a blog of your own? I can help you answer that question with a resounding, “Yes!” There are blogs about every conceivable topic…

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4 years ago

Try Something New: Write a Poem and Stretch Your Brain

A couple of years ago, I began penning poetry. My life was moving in new directions, and I wanted to express myself differently than with the prose style approach I mainly used before. I enjoyed reading poetry, so I decided to try…

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4 years ago

Memoir Writing – How to Write About Yourself

There is a certain truth you must realize when writing a memoir: You are the central character in the story, therefore you must write about who you are. You cannot assume that the reader knows you, even if they are a close relative…

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4 years ago

5 Kitchen Tools That Are Fun to Use and Make Meal Preparation Simpler

What have I been doing during the pandemic? Well, among other things, I have been adding to my kitchen tools. When I was young and raising a family on limited funds, I didn’t have many extras in terms of kitchen tools…

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