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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

3 years ago

Is Copying Someone’s Creative Work a Crime or a Compliment?

As a watercolourist and a glass bead artist I’ve been on plenty of art discussion forums over the years. At least once a year the subject of copying comes up, usually because an artist has found that their work has been compromised in some way…

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3 years ago

5 Great Books to Pick Up as Summer Winds Down

“If you learn one thing, it was worth your time.” Many decades ago, a college professor repeated that mantra over and over during the semester. She preached to our class of seniors, all of whom thought we were ready to set the world on fire, that if we…

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3 years ago

Piano, Ukulele or Trumpet? Choosing a Musical Instrument to Learn After 60

‘Learn a musical instrument’ is a piece of glib advice that’s often wheeled out to older people. But instruments are not all born equal, and choosing wisely will give you a head start in achieving your music-making desires. Would you like to while away hours…

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3 years ago

Yard Improvements Worth Investing in After 60

Naturally, if you are looking to spend your retirement in place, you want your yard to be comfortable, safe, and conducive to aging as well as for it to look beautiful. Thankfully, there are yard solutions out there that will ensure age never becomes a problem…

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3 years ago

Passion Is Not Just for the Young

Passion. A word one usually associates with romance, and often with youth. But romance is not passion’s only playing field, and passion is certainly not reserved for the young. Passion is, in fact, a primary factor in keeping one young…

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3 years ago

Doing Housework Can Be a Gift After 60… No, Seriously!

By the time we have crossed the 60 timeline, housework is probably the last thing on our mind. Let alone housework on a sunny summer day. You will think, “There are better things to do with my time.” That maybe so, but let’s not…

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3 years ago

How Baking Makes Me Feel Like a Million(Aire)

One of the ways I live like a millionaire in my retirement, or jubilation as I call it, is by baking. Yes, I’m back. And yes, it’s this simple. Baking can improve the quality of your life in countless ways. This is another article in my series of How to live like a millionaire…

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3 years ago

Online Video Gaming for Seniors – A Game Changer or an Addiction Gateway?

I have raised 3 children from Generation Y, including one who is a stereotypical millennial guy sitting on the couch in his apartment playing the video game World of Warcraft into the wee hours of the morning. It seems to have the makings of an addiction…

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3 years ago

Boomer Ranting and the Joys of Blogging After 60

Okay, let’s not sugar coat this – getting old is a bitch! There’s no instruction manual to read or special training we can take along the way. The scary world of aging is filled with shocks and surprises around every wrinkled corner. And you know what shock…

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3 years ago

Painting Away the Pounds? How Creativity Reduces Stress

I have been thinking a lot about the weight gain many people have encountered this past year. I myself fell into some bad habits, gained a few pandemic pounds for a variety of reasons, and had to re-group. The most common cause of weight gain…

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