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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

3 years ago

Sewing for Yourself 101

Have you ever sewn yourself a garment? I’m sure that you at least know the basics of sewing. It was only in recent years that sewing (“home economics”) was no longer taught in public school. Sadly, this seems like a dead art…

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3 years ago

The Artful Life: Reconnecting with Your Creativity in Midlife and Beyond

Life is full of comparisons. As employees, our performance is measured against our coworkers. As mothers, we worry about whether we are doing good enough – compared to whom, by the way?

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3 years ago

How to Use Change for Positive Growth in Your Art and Life After 60

They say that there are three chronic types of fear: the fear of failure, fear of success and fear of change. Which one do you relate to? Studies suggest that the greatest fear out of these three is the fear of change. I have to agree based on…

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3 years ago

You Wouldn’t Believe My Fat Turtle Garbage Art!

I’ve been riding out the pandemic on a small island in southern Thailand. I opted to stay put at my winter home, not returning to Canada at the start of the Covid-19 lockdowns. To keep busy on this remote island, I started cleaning the beaches by picking up garbage during my daily beach walks. The […]

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3 years ago

How I Started Creative Writing for Fun and Healing

I have loved words and written in one form or another most of my life. What felt like a small, isolated world became rich and full of grand adventures on the page. My early experiences were in making up stories for the lives of my dolls and the make-believe…

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3 years ago

Get Started with Oil Painting for Beginners and Reconnect with Your Creative Side

So you want to start painting? I am delighted with your decision, because painting is one of the most rewarding pastimes available to us. No doubt you have some time available and want a relaxing hobby? Painting will do that for you…

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3 years ago

How Painting Can Calm Your Mood and Create a More Positive Attitude to Life After 60

Everything in our life changes as we age and start on the journey of our last chapter in life. We have to pay more attention to what we eat, our exercise, our daily life and even our thoughts. Days often do not take care of themselves with a set routine…

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3 years ago

Unfinished Business: Can We Finally Have It All in Retirement?

I announced my decision to retire just before my 65th birthday. It wasn’t my first retirement. A divorce forced the sale of my business at the crack of Covid. My emergency back-up career in real estate served me well, but reaching Medicare age gave me a nudge…

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3 years ago

How to Start Writing Your Memoir

After you gather all necessary materials, following one of the previously discussed structures, it is time to start writing the short of your life story or memoir. Read through the notes you have been gathering, and ask yourself, “What aspect of my life…

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Embrace Creative Knitting and Bring Self-Expression Into Your Life

Many women I talk to say that creativity and self-expression is something they cannot live without, and that perhaps it has become even more important in their life as they age. How do you express yourself? And how do you incorporate creativity in your daily life?

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