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Many women think that creativity is a foreign land. We don't think this is true. In fact, each of us has a unique sense of creativity. This section is meant to give you some ideas to spark your creative gene. We hope you enjoy them!

3 years ago

7 Best Golf Clubs for Senior Ladies

Are you a golfer? Are you obsessed with finding the best golf clubs available? Manufacturers are continuously designing and offering better and better golf clubs. From the heavier steel-shafted irons of the past to the new lightweight…

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3 years ago

Be Your Own Music Therapist: Create a Personal Power Playlist

About 10 years ago, I found myself in an extremely stressful work situation that I hoped would improve, and I tried to keep a positive attitude. The highlight of my day was my morning subway ride, as I people-watched and listened to music…

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3 years ago

The Best Grass for Low-Maintenance Lawns

Although many older adults don’t mind taking care of their lawns, it’s always nice to consider your options, especially if you’re looking to lower your costs. Your best step would be to invest in a nice, low-maintenance grass that you don’t have to mow…

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3 years ago

A Photo Book Idea to Preserve Your Home Memories

Even before the pandemic kept us stuck at home searching for new hobbies, an entire industry was mushrooming to help people create a modern version of the beloved photo album. From Shutterfly and Mixbook to Walgreen’s…

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3 years ago

A Healthy Dose of Distraction

This era of our life can be hard. We try to be positive and look for the best in every day but sometimes we just need to admit we’re struggling. This week, I lost a friend, then spent several days in bed with a bug. It was the perfect formula for slipping…

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3 years ago

4 Ways Music Feeds Our Spirit in Tough Times

I’ve played piano to entertain myself since I was a kid. Until my 60s, I didn’t realize how good it is for my mind. When I found out reading and playing music staves off memory deterioration, I was all in. Alzheimer’s Disease lurks in my family tree…

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3 years ago

3 Tips for Staying Positive Despite the Restrictions

I want to share three quick tips with you to help you stay positive over the coming months. Whether you are in lockdown, concerned about the possibility of future restrictions, or just missing family or friends that you can’t see in person…

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3 years ago

The Energizing Power of Doing New Things Every Day

I was conflicted about turning 70 this past summer. Understatement. We all aspire to reach our 70s, or to reach what we consider old age. For me, 70 feels old, or at least, a lot! We take care of our health all our lives, so that we can have long lives…

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3 years ago

Fun Hobbies for Older Women: The Joy of Singing at Any Age

Do you sing? No, I don’t mean, are you an opera singer, because there are precious few of those. I just mean do you like to sing, for instance, in the shower or in the bath? Or perhaps to yourself as you potter around the house. It is a joyous activity…

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3 years ago

Finding Your Style as an Artist in Your 60s

Many years ago, when I first began to create flame-worked glass beads and jewelry, I worried that as a new artist, I didn’t have a ‘style.’ I needn’t have worried. I’ve since learned that acquiring an artistic style of your own is a natural evolution…

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