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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

1 year ago

6 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Women Over 60 (# 5 Will Surprise You!)

While diet should always come first, there are some supplements that provide additional benefits that can be difficult to obtain from food alone – especially if you are eating less to lose weight, if you have a reduced appetite or are avoiding…

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1 year ago

Don’t Let Negative Thoughts Damage Your Health

Ever noticed how one negative thought about something leads to another and another and another? Like not hearing your alarm and oversleeping. Right away, it starts. “Oh darn, I’m going to be late!” Then the onslaught begins: “I won’t have time for breakfast…

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1 year ago

It’s Simple to Be Healthy in Old Age

This blog is about my experiences and practices because this is what I know. I feel happy, positive and vibrant at 89. Do you feel the same at your age? There are 4 things that contribute to optimum health as we age. These are diet (40%), physical activity…

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1 year ago

Change Your Thinking… About Drinking

We’ve been brainwashed for decades into believing that alcohol is fun, essential for socializing and will help us to relax. The combination of marketing and social pressure has left us with “false beliefs” about the necessity of drinking alcohol…

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1 year ago

Protecting Your Heart on the Road: The Scenic Route Solution

When it comes to staying healthy on a road trip, many people focus on diet and exercise. However, the sudden cardiac death of my healthy best friend during a two-day road trip made me realize that there are other crucial factors to consider…

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1 year ago

How Well Do You Maintain Your Body?

My favorite philosopher, Socrates, said, “It’s a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.” The ancient Greek physician Herophilus stated, “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, strength…

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1 year ago

Do You Know WHY Breathing Is a Key Factor in Your Wellness?

I think of breathing in two different ways, after we acknowledge that breathing is mandatory for life and air always enters into the lungs. #1: I use breath in a way that helps me to harness my reflexive core in exercise or to manage load…

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1 year ago

Sensational at 60 or Surviving at 60?

One recurring theme I discuss with many of my patients is the seriousness and/or deadliness of stress on the human body. Today stress has never been more prevalent and widespread since going through and coming out of a Global Pandemic…

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1 year ago

Follow These 6 Basic Rules to Improve Your Health

Have you spent years trying to improve your health? Have you tried all of the latest fad diets and exercise programs to date? Do you have a cupboard full of expired supplements that cost hundreds of dollars, only to find they didn’t provide…

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1 year ago

5 Steps to Take Control of Your Medical Costs in Your 60s

I’ve always been fit. Even well into my 50s I felt physically invincible. I could still jump out of bed for a morning run, followed by a strength class and then even possible game of tennis later in the day. Nothing could quell my energy…

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