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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

1 year ago

Just What the Doctor Ordered – How Women Over 60 Are at Highest Risk for Prescription Drug Addiction

Sally was noticing changes in her 73-year-old mother in-law Emily. As Sally became Emily’s primary caregiver, she noticed Emily seemed a great deal anxious most of the time. She’d also become more withdrawn. And, because Sally often ran errands for Emily…

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1 year ago

Obesity Isn’t a Personal Failing – It’s a Classic Environmental Disease

I’ve had so many patients, friends and colleagues ask me this simple question: “Why, with the obesity epidemic running wild, are we so unsuccessful at finding solutions for it, and preventing it or solving it? Can it really be that it’s just our fault as humans…

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1 year ago

What to Do When Stepping on the Scale Unleashes Your Inner Self-Critic

You step on the scale and the number staring back at you is higher than you wanted. For some, this can start a cycle of self-criticism and restrictive eating that can corrode self-esteem and ruin your day. Take Mary for example. She had been put on a diet…

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1 year ago

Why a Great Morning Routine Can Be Your Best Friend

Creating a morning routine that works for you is so helpful to living a healthy lifestyle and making the most out of each day. Each of us is made differently so we should customize our morning routines to suit us. Mornings for me are the worst…

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1 year ago

3 Ways to Practice Body Awareness and Prevent Falls (Video)

We develop body awareness in all stages of life, but unfortunately, we lose some of it as we age. In our later years, being able to understand and develop this awareness of where our body is in space can help with falls prevention, hand-eye coordination…

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1 year ago

Time Out – The Powerful Benefits of Daily Dancing

We all know the importance of taking breaks throughout the day to keep us refreshed and energized. What do your daytime breaks look like? Are they satisfying? Whether you need a break from your work or a brief intermission from sitting too long…

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1 year ago

It’s Time to Be Alone and Lonely No More

“Social Connectivity” is science-language for a simple and obvious experience, that of connecting with others. We humans are, like it or not, fundamentally social creatures. Even introverts, such as myself, need to interact with others…

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1 year ago

Step into Your Power – And Become a Queen!

Did you know that postmenopausal women comprise the largest demographic group in America? The ancient tripartite divisions of Maiden, Mother, and Crone have become even more relevant as the Crone stage now represents one third…

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1 year ago

Know Your Body: Skill #1 for Building Confidence in Your Health as You Age

A common theme I’ve noted in my work as a physical therapist is a loss of confidence in all areas of life that usually accompanies a decline in physical function, particularly in adults over the age of 60. Once it happens, it leads to a long road…

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1 year ago

Osteoporosis: 3 Natural Ways for Better Bone Health

When I received the results of my recent bone scan it wasn’t good news. I’ve always been physically active, but I am slightly built, a major risk factor for osteoporosis. While drugs are effective for some, side effects are severe for others…

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