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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

12 months ago

Do You Have a Possibility Mindset?

We know that attention to fitness, stress reduction, having a sense of purpose, and connection with others adds healthy years to our lives. We also know that the years wear on our bodies and endurance. In this article, let’s address the realities…

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12 months ago

Does Your Aging Parent or Loved One Need Added Support?

Caring for an aging parent or another loved one – near or from afar – can be tricky, especially when a loved one’s needs change more unexpectedly. This can often happen with a sudden injury or illness, cognitive decline, or be the natural result of aging…

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12 months ago

10 Tips for Encouraging Resistant Elderly Parents to Accept Assistance

My aunt is like my third parent. She taught in schools around the world and spent every summer living with us. Always single and with no children of her own, she has been, in my mind, a part of our immediate – not extended – family. I love and adore her…

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12 months ago

How Floor Sitting Can Help You Age in Place (You Can Keep Your Furniture!)

Do you have a favorite armchair or sofa? A cozy place to while away lazy Sunday afternoons with a juicy book, a cup of tea, and a pile of cookies. You’re not alone! But imagine if, instead, the floor became your new best friend – offering you not only comfort…

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12 months ago

7 Signs You Might Have a Drinking Problem

Alcohol consumption has become so normalized in our society. If you’ve ever tried to quit drinking then you’ll know why they say, “Alcohol is the only drug we have to justify not taking.” It’s coping with all the questions and having to come up…

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1 year ago

Routines and Time Management

Of the many quotes that people like to attribute to Albert Einstein, one of the wisest is this: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” What this quote always brings to my mind when I hear it…

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1 year ago

Does What You Eat Really Matter in Your Retirement Years?

We all know that as our bodies age, numerous changes take place. Some of these changes are good, some not-so-good, some we know about – some we do not. For instance, you may not know that nutritional needs are among the top items that can change…

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1 year ago

Why Optimistic Women Live Longer and Healthier – Are You One of Them?

Optimism supports women’s good health – especially in aging. That’s the evidence of dozens of research studies. People with an optimistic attitude tend to have better health outcomes and more years of healthy life. In fact, if optimism were a drug…

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1 year ago

4 Habits to Kick to Feel Younger

I am not young. Yet I’m not old either. I don’t feel old. And yet many of my same-age peers do. I do, however, feel the impact that society has on people over the age of 50. On the habits we’ve developed, in particular…

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1 year ago

The Power of 66… Alcohol Free Days

The global wellness economy is estimated to be worth $4 trillion dollars! We are on an endless and expensive quest for wellness, vitality and youth… yet we drink the toxin ethanol on a daily basis. We do the yoga, the juicing…

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