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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

7 years ago

12 Ways Caretakers Can and Should Take Better Care of Themselves

Caretaker is a role many of us are taking on in our senior years, as our parents live longer and healthier lives. At some point, though, we can find ourselves in a role reversal, specifically when we’re responsible for or facilitating the care of aging parents with infirmities…

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7 years ago

11 Life Hacks for When You Find Yourself Temporarily Disabled

Has an injury or illness side-lined your mobility? Whether it’s a broken foot or a severe arthritis flare-up, when it is difficult to get out and about, life can grind to a halt…

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7 years ago

Healthy Aging Tips: How Your Humble Egg Timer Could Save Your Life

By now, you probably know that sitting is your enemy when it comes to healthy aging. You may have even read a report or two that claims that “sitting is the new smoking.” But, is this really true? If so, what can we do about it? Read More

7 years ago

Being a Cavewoman May Save Your Brain After 60… No, Seriously!

When you think of healthy ageing, what comes to mind? Author and psychiatrist John Ratey explores the components of healthy ageing that we all must incorporate in our lives. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Is Healthy Aging an Issue of Mind Over Matter?

What does healthy aging mean? What does it include? How do we make sure we are doing what we can to age healthy? Join us in conversation with geriatrician Dr. Bill Thomas who has some interesting strategies to share. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

Living to 100 Isn’t Fun, Unless You Stay Healthy!

Today in the United States, people who are living to 100 represent the second fastest growing age group in the country, according the US Census Bureau Projections. People over 85 are the fastest growing age group. Read More

7 years ago

This Neuroscientist Says Healthy Aging Is All About Embracing Your Inner Cavewoman

When you think of healthy ageing, what comes to mind? Author and psychiatrist John Ratey explores the components of healthy ageing that we all must incorporate in our lives. Enjoy the show! Read More

7 years ago

9 Sneaky Tricks for Better Sleep After 50

Poor sleep is just a natural part of the aging process, isn’t it? Absolutely not! In fact, a growing number of sleep scientists are publicly stating that good sleep is just as important at 58 as it is at 18. At the same time, there is no denying that our sleep patterns change as we get a little older. So, today, I would like to offer 9 tricks for getting better sleep. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

2 Simple Secrets to a Long and Healthy Life

I recently took an Internet test to see what my life expectancy was.

It asked a lot of questions about life habits, history of disease in the family and even education. After I’d answered all the questions I clicked the Calculate-Life-Expectancy button at the bottom of the page. Read More

7 years ago

Are You Investing in Your Longevity? You Should!

I don’t know about you, but, I never expected to live into my late 60s. I certainly didn’t plan for life in my 70s or 80s. Now that I am getting a little older, longevity is constantly on my mind. Why? Because I want to have the physical strength, mental power and energy to get everything that I can from life. Today, let’s talk about a few things that we can all do to live happier, healthier lives after 60. Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More