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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

5 years ago

The Journey to Healthy Aging – How Living with Purpose is the Key to Happiness and Good Health

Like fine wine, you can age gracefully. Maintaining an active lifestyle as you age keeps your body healthy, and so does making smarter food choices. However, there’s more to healthy aging than exercise and a well-balanced diet. Read More

5 years ago

5 Simple Things You Can Do to Live A Longer, Healthier Life – According to Dr. Sanjiv Chopra

Younger folks want to live as long as possible. But, as you age, your perspective about life will start to change with each passing year. Eventually, you will come to realize that it’s not just the number of years in your life, but the quality of the life you lead within those years. Read More

5 years ago

How Caregiving Taught Me the Need to Plan for Aging

You may have taken care of an older relative in the past, but odds are, you’re a caregiver right now. If that’s the case, I say, “Good on you, and congratulations for stepping up.” Read More

5 years ago

Vitality and Energy: Why You Need Them Both After 60!

We all want to maintain our health and age well. Whilst energy levels can dip and dive, did you know that vitality will always sustain you? Read More

6 years ago

An Essential Guide to Self-Defense Every Boomer Woman Should Read

While you never want to have to think about experiencing an attack, personal safety should always be top of mind, especially as you age. Read More

6 years ago

Balance for Seniors: 600,000+ Seniors Die from Falls Each Year… Don’t Be a Statistic!

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” If you’re an older woman who dreads experiencing that TV commercial as a real-life drama, you’re not alone. In today’s video, Dr. Sarah Brewer and Margaret Manning share insights into why losing our balance and falling after 60 is such a problem for us – and tips to prevent it. Read on and don’t forget to watch the video! Read More

6 years ago

The Secret to Longevity is in Your Hands!

It’s no secret that the women in our community want to live long, vibrant and full lives. But, is there really a way to influence how long you live? Read More

6 years ago

A 5-Step Plan for Adopting Healthy Habits After 60

Many people have trouble swapping unhealthy habits for healthy ones. It may be easy to start strong then fade away and eventually call it a failure. Or maybe it’s hard to even get started. Read More

6 years ago

5 Ways to Join the Longevity Revolution

When I turned 60, I knew for sure I wanted to live to at least 100.

I’ve been so busy the past 40 years with day to day details – earning a living, having a fun life, caring for my family. I hadn’t planned much for my future. I did quit smoking 20 years ago and started walking to counteract the weight gain. But other than that, aging isn’t something I’d thought much about. Read More

6 years ago

A Million Reasons to See the Trees with New Eyes While in Naples, Florida

If you are spending time (with or without chronic disease) in Naples, Florida you may be unaware of why you feel so darn good most of the time. You may think it is the good company, the warm temperature, the beach, the tennis, or the golf. And this may be. Read More