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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

4 years ago

EchoS: The No-Radiation Method to Determine Bone Density and Quality

How many times have you gone to get your bone density tested? If you have done it even once, you know that the procedure involves radiation. Although many clinicians remind us that the radiation levels for many tests are low, I do know that women across…

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4 years ago

Can We Rebuild Resilience as We Age?

I write a lot about fitness after 50, as do many of my fellow Sixty and Me contributors. To a person, I guarantee you that they would likely categorically disagree that age=deterioration, and that there isn’t much we can do about it…

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4 years ago

Keep Active in Your 60s to Stay a Step Ahead of Diabetes (And Don’t Forget Nutrition Too!)

I recently read a sobering statistic. Nearly 50 percent of boomers are prediabetic. This means that we have blood sugar levels that are above normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed with full-blown type 2 diabetes…

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4 years ago

The Surprising Benefits of Good Posture for Your Mood and Your Bones

As children, we were often reminded of the importance of good posture. Our parents told us to sit up straight at the dinner table, and our teachers asked us to stop slouching at our desks. But, for many reasons, as we age our posture typically…

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4 years ago

Manifest Your Wellbeing with the Power of Pink

In the heyday of my interior design career, I noticed that many mature women surrounded themselves with pink. Consultations took me into the homes of women in their 60’s and 70’s who lived alone. I could have wagered a bet, sight unseen…

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4 years ago

Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease at 50 and Beyond

Around the world, nearly seven million people die of coronary heart disease every year. And despite the continuing advancements in surgery, diagnostic techniques, and pharmaceutical interventions, that number keeps going up…

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4 years ago

Is Your Bath Water Unhealthy? Tips for Neutralizing Toxins in Your Tub

When you’ve had a mentally stressful day, a warm bath is a fabulous way to unwind. Some days you may have pushed your body a bit too much overdoing it in the yard, trying to keep up with the grandkids at the park, or engaging…

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4 years ago

How to Recover from an Illness Luxuriously… Even if You Aren’t Made of Money

You can be sick crummy or you can be sick beautifully. Given my devotion to expansive, millionaire thinking, I opt for the second. Being ill is awful, so why not use it as an opportunity to pamper yourself as you deserve…

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4 years ago

Vaccines Can’t Do It Alone – How to Help Them Protect Our Health

There is really positive and exciting news these days about the expanding availability of a variety of vaccines designed to help protect us from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease. Many healthcare experts are saying…

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4 years ago

6 Small Steps That Make a Big Difference to Your Health After 60

I believe there are many women out there that may believe once they have turned 60 there is no need to continue to preserve their health or keep up with personal care. Many of the people I talk to get to a point where so much has changed…

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