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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

7 months ago

Gaining Height with Age – How Is That Possible?

A friend whom I hadn’t seen for a few weeks greeted me with these words: “Every time I see you, you’re taller.“ You may expect to hear that when you’re seven or 17, but I’m in my 70s. I couldn’t help feeling smug…

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7 months ago

Don’t Let These 8 Important Healthy Aging Habits Get Away from You

Life can get super busy. You lunge from pillar to post in a matter of minutes, forget appointments, miss food items from your list at the supermarket, can’t fit in daily exercise, or fail to call people you promised to call…

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8 months ago

An Injury Doesn’t Need to Render You Helpless – Learn How to Recover

Even when you’re younger, it can take weeks or even months to recover from a serious injury. As we age, our body doesn’t heal itself like it used to. In fact, many seniors may never recover to 100 percent due to more brittle bones and pre-existing…

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8 months ago

5 Ways to Grow and Not Decay

We can easily slip (or decay) into a life that we do not want. We may not even know how it has happened. Like the saying goes, the life we counted on can “just slip away.” Our health can deteriorate. Our mental state can become confused and dull…

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8 months ago

How to Make the Most of Life in Your 60s

Our 60s can be an exciting phase of life filled with new possibilities and opportunities. It’s a time to reflect on achievements, recognize our own wisdom, and perhaps nurture ourselves a little more than we’ve done in the last few decades…

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8 months ago

Sober But Still Not Slim? How to Kickstart Your Weight Loss

Many of us manage to quit drinking and we feel better than we’ve felt for years. As we regain our health, some of us dream of also regaining our figures. We think fondly back to the shape we were in in our 20s when we only drank socially, before we got…

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8 months ago

If I Can’t Hear Very Well, Can I still Sing? 7 Ways to Tune Up Your Singing Voice!

To shed some light on this question, let me offer the story of my good friend, Claire Duchesneau, a hearing-impaired singer. When she was a young woman, Claire was able to hear normally. She played the guitar. She wrote and sang songs…

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8 months ago

Tips for Healthy Hearing in Your 60s and Up!

Do you often find yourself asking someone to repeat what they’ve just said? When you go out to dinner, do you have issues hearing your loved ones or friends during the conversation? Do you find yourself turning up the volume…

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8 months ago

Unveiling Nature’s Power: A Wedding Speech for Millennials’ Well-being

At my son Max’s wedding to Sarah, as the mother of the groom, I found myself delivering a speech that unexpectedly resonated with the entire audience, particularly the younger generation. Reflecting on the impact, I realized the relevance…

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8 months ago

Is Your Lymphatic System Resilient?

With so many viruses circulating this time of year, it’s important to talk about what makes your body resilient and actively supported in the first place. Your lymphatic system warrants your attention and there’s no shopping required…

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