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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

3 years ago

Think and Feel Your Way to Youthfulness

Have you ever heard the expression “You are as old as you look”? Considering the sales of face creams and the like, many of us seek to look younger than we are…

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3 years ago

Can We Preserve Our Voices as We Age? (VIDEO)

“You may not see me, but you’re damn well going to hear me!” My good friend, Anna, boomed out to a male server in a coffee shop who refused to “see” her waiting next in line to give her order. Anna, who is 72, is a theatre actor whose well-trained voice…

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3 years ago

6 Easy Things You Can Do to Age-Proof Your Joints

While it might not be impossible to avoid age-related aches and pains in your joints, that doesn’t mean you have to suffer. In fact, even if you have arthritis you can still improve your joint health…

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3 years ago

From Many Small Things Are Big Things Brought to Pass

I have never met anyone who set out to accomplish something pretty significant and achieved it with a few mighty efforts. Rather, for most to accomplish something of significance takes time, planning, work ethic, and a systematic approach…

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3 years ago

That Foggy Feeling That Plays with Our Brains

Just the other day, I ran into an old friend at the park and as we went our separate ways he said, “See you later, Mike.” I looked directly at my friend of more than 25 years and suddenly realised I had forgotten his name.Right then, at that very moment…

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3 years ago

Swap New Year Resolutions for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes That Focus on Spiritual Principles

At the beginning of each year, many people make lofty health and wellness goals and are disappointed when they have trouble keeping their promises. It can be super frustrating to have high expectations about achieving lifestyle goals only to see them…

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3 years ago

4 Easy and Achievable Practices to Guide You to a Longer, Healthier Life

“The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.” – Frank Lloyd Wright. I agree. My life seems to improve as I age. In spite of my wrinkles, sore knees, and digestive issues, I’m happier. Could it be about increasing wisdom? Whatever the cause, I want more. I want a long life…

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3 years ago

How Will You Nourish Yourself This Year?

Our life choices either deplete us or nourish us. They affect us physically, emotionally and spiritually, usually all at the same time. We can feel our choices down to the bone, in our gut and around our heart space. Our bodies speak to us…

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3 years ago

How to Choose Essential Oils to Clean and Disinfect Your Air at Home

With all the latest information about Covid-19 in the news, we may be spending more time at home away from work, crowds, or even school. The EPA says we normally spend about 90% of our time indoors…

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3 years ago

Has Your Retail Therapy Become a Shopping Addiction

In her early 40s, Mary divorced her multi-millionaire husband who had been successful building a mortgage industry empire across 22 states. Her alimony of $15,000 plus $8,000 a month in child support, a fortune for some, had been barely enough…

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