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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

3 years ago

Dementia and Hearing Loss – The Silent Correlation

There are various risk factors connected with dementia. However, an incredibly significant risk factor which has been discovered is the correlation between hearing loss and dementia. Considerable scientific research has been done which identifies…

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3 years ago

3 Powerful Spices that May Help with Type 2 Diabetes

The International Diabetes Federation estimates that 1 in 11 (425 million) adults worldwide have diabetes. They also say that 1 in 2 adults with diabetes are undiagnosed (212 million).
The IDF expects this number to rise to 592 million by 2035…

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3 years ago

Discovering Hydrosols, Powerful Secret Ingredients for the Body and Home

Womanly skills are simply not my forte. So, it wasn’t a complete surprise that I had never heard the word – or learned about – hydrosol. That was about to change. Hydrosols are aromatic waters that remain after steam or hydro distilling of botanical materials…

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3 years ago

Now More Than Ever Becoming Your Own Health Advocate Is Essential

Healthcare staffing is experiencing a pandemic of its own. Hospitals and long-term care are understaffed, and people continue to resign as they look for new career options. With uncertainty in healthcare, the patient experience suffers…

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3 years ago

Small Choices Can Tip the Wellness Scale

It’s March, and by now you’re either hitting your stride as you move towards your New Year’s goals or have stumbled into the ditch along the way. If you’re a little off track – so what? Just like focusing on recovering fully from a health setback, it’s important…

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3 years ago

Possible vs. Inevitable: The Importance of Preventing Falls… and How to Do It!

Several weeks ago, a woman commented on an article I’d done about getting older vs. getting old. She told a story about taking a bad fall over a concrete curb, sitting there for a few moments, and then moving on…

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3 years ago

Let’s Get Physical as Often as Possible

Remember when Olivia Newton John donned a leotard and legwarmers to help us get physical? Or when Jane Fonda’s Original Workout Video had us doing leg lifts in the lounge room?

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3 years ago

7 Secrets to Keeping Your Hair Healthy, While Aging on Your Own Terms

There’s no magic potion that will prevent us from aging (unfortunately), but that doesn’t mean you can’t age gracefully. While taking care of your skin will definitely help keep you looking younger and healthier…

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3 years ago

Is Turning 80 an Ordinary Milestone?

Yes, I am about to reach the big 80. It’s not a surprise. I have seen it coming for some years. But I only started thinking about it recently. We all tend to make a bit of a meal of the decade birthdays, although less so at age 10 (all part of childhood) and age 20…

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3 years ago

Feel Tired All the Time? 8 Dietary Habits That Wear You Out

If you feel tired all the time, it may be due in part to what you are eating and drinking throughout the day. Read on to learn how you can make dietary adjustments to combat fatigue…

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