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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

Need Balance in Your Life? Check Your Wellness Wheel!

To draw your wellness wheel start with six pages, each having one dimension at the top and a vertical line down the middle with Deposits on one side and Withdrawals on the other. Using the brief overviews below, list “deposits” supporting well-being…

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2 years ago

Long-Term Care Insurance: Let’s Cover the Basics

Shopping for long-term care insurance can be a complex process. There are many “moving parts,” so consumers need to educate themselves on finding the right policy for their situation. Think carefully about what you want out of a long-term care…

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2 years ago

How to Live an Active, Healthy Life with Osteoporosis

I met Joanna Brown last year, a few days after I was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. I was shocked by the news and searching for support and information. I knew instinctively I would need guidance as to how to move, work and exercise safely…

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2 years ago

Feeling Unappreciated as a Caregiver? Here Are 11 Ways to Cope

A caregiver’s sacrifice often goes unappreciated. Feeling unappreciated when you do so much to care for your older adult is a common issue in caregiving. Not feeling valued increases resentment and stress, eventually leading to burnout…

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2 years ago

Dealing with Fear After Falling Face Forward on the Pavement

On a recent brisk walk with my husband, I fell face forward on the pavement. Nothing tripped me or could be blamed for this fall, but I went down. My hands and hip took the brunt of the fall, but thankfully nothing was broken or seriously hurt…

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2 years ago

Why Getting Away for a Few Days Can Improve Your Health and Wellbeing After 60

We are bombarded these days with advice about what to eat and when, what exercise to take and how often, not to mention all those things we are not supposed to do, like enjoying a good glass of wine…

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2 years ago

How This Couple Overcame Life-Threatening Illnesses

Have you ever been told that you have a life-threatening disease? Both of us (Bob and Fran) have! And about at the same time! It was very overwhelming, as you can imagine. That was 16 years ago…

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2 years ago

Ageism in Healthcare Can Impact Your Quality of Life

Is ageism coloring your choices and behaviors? Does it also impact the healthcare you receive? Attitudes, expectations, and beliefs about aging can impact both personal and healthcare choices for the better or worse…

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2 years ago

15 Quick Tips for Using Essential Waters to Soothe Your Body and Mind

In my previous article, Discovering Hydrosols, I covered the production and cautions of essential oils (EO) and hydrosols, a type of aromatic water, also known as essential waters. Now I am following up with a variety of ways to use these related products…

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2 years ago

10 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Bones Healthy and Strong After 60 (Recipes)

“I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!” Remember that famous line? It was in a TV commercial years ago, and though it has since been used in countless stories, jokes, and memes, it still relates to a serious issue…

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