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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

The Most Important Routine in My Day Starts the Night Before

Everyone always talks about the importance of our morning routine, and I would agree that starting our day in an intentional way sets the stage for our entire day. I, like many, have a very routine morning. However, my morning routine…

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2 years ago

Can Menopause Affect Your Mental Health? Yes – But There’s Hope!

Some women experience moodiness, anxiety, and depression with the onset and different stages of menopause. This emotional upheaval can cause frustration and stress and can last for up to five years post-menopause. There are valid…

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2 years ago

Social Prescribing – The Time Has Come for Adoption in the U.S.

Social prescribing is a means of enabling health professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services. The rationale is that health and wellbeing are determined mostly by social, economic and environmental factors such as food…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Biohack Your Health and Find New Energy After 60

Years ago I had the pleasure to attend The Feel Good Summit hosted by Dr. Mark Hyman. There were many amazing masterminds and lectures, but as a woman suffering from fatigue, one stuck out for me…

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2 years ago

This One Choice Could Decide Whether You Achieve Healthy Aging

What happens to our body, emotions and memory in our 50s and 60s? They take us by surprise. Our body starts to sag; we find ourselves yelling at our kids for no reason at all, and we can’t seem to remember anything! All of this seems to happen overnight…

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2 years ago

Jane Fonda and I Happily Agree About Drinking After 60

We’ve said goodbye to Jane Fonda’s long-running series, Grace and Frankie. In character, she often held an ice-cold martini. However, in a recent interview with CBS News about the show’s last season, Fonda said she stopped drinking in real life at age 84…

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2 years ago

Want to Feel Steady on Your Feet Everyday? Discover These 3 Tips for Walking Well

For the last 60 or 70 years, you never gave walking a second thought; you just got on with it. Now you find yourself having to concentrate when you are walking. You are paying attention and trying hard to stay steady. Instead of enjoying your surroundings…

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2 years ago

5 Remarkable Benefits of Music Listening to Positively Impact Your Health

Do you listen to music on a regular basis? Maybe you tune the radio dial to a favorite station while you cook or pop in your earbuds when you head out for a walk. Personally, I’m such a dinosaur that I still enjoy the CDs from my large…

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2 years ago

3 Steps to Maintaining Youthful, Beautiful Skin

Everyone would love to have gorgeous, flawless skin, but what is the secret to success? For much of the past couple of years, we have been covering half of our face. We’ve suffered maskne, indentations, and half facial tans…

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2 years ago

Preserving Vision in Maturity: One Mould Does Not Fit All

Nothing is more important than your health and that includes eye health. Preserving your vision can be as simple as seeing your eye care professional for annual exams or as complicated…

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