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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

Think You Are Immune to Dehydration?

This summer, I made a trip to Hawaii. This was not unusual. With family living there, I tend to visit once a year or so. Generally, people who live in this environment are keenly aware of the dangers of dehydration. Whether heading…

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2 years ago

How to Re-Boot Your Well-Being After a Health Set-Back in the 7th Decade

One of the best pieces of advice I can offer to support lifelong health is, “don’t let a health set-back become a new health set-point.” Healthy habits aren’t just a one-time choice. They’re a series of small choices made day after day, week after week…

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2 years ago

How to Feel More Confident Getting Up from the Floor (VIDEO)

Do you find it harder to get up from the floor than you used to? Do you sometimes feel ungainly or unsteady when going down to or coming back up from the floor? Do you avoid doing things that involve getting down to the floor?

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2 years ago

Want to Make God Laugh? Make a Plan 

Dear God, I hope miracles are still in your wheelhouse because I sure need a couple right now. I have been sick for the past few days. Please help me surrender my raggedy breath, snotty nose, and fierce, shuddering cough to your (hopefully) healing hands…

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2 years ago

Does Medicare Cover Medical Marijuana or CBD Products? No – But There Are Some Options!

As of February 2022, 37 states have legalized comprehensive, publicly available medical marijuana/cannabis programs and 10 have approved use of “low THC, high cannabidiol (CBD)” products for medical reasons in limited situations…

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2 years ago

Wondering How to Have More Energy After 60? Try These 6 Ideas

As women over 60, we often talk a lot about how positive and optimistic we feel about life, how excited we are to experience this next stage of our journeys, and how much we still want to accomplish and contribute in the world…

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2 years ago

Is It Possible to Fix the Hunched Posture That Affects Women Over 60?

Do you ever catch your reflection in the mirror or a glass door and think, “Is that me? And when did I get that hunch?” You might notice that you are stiff or stooped over when you get out of a chair or out of the car, or you might notice…

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2 years ago

How Changing My Morning Routine Changed My Life Forever

I used to have a terrible time sleeping. I would either lay awake for what seemed like hours or wake up two to three times each night like clockwork. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why I was awake, worrying about things…

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2 years ago

Dancing the Night Away for a Healthy Body and a Strong Spirit!

Many specialists recommend dancing to encourage mature adults to move and feel good. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of dance including healthy mature adults, those dealing with chronic conditions…

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2 years ago

Going Nuts or Getting Old? 5 Keys to a Healthy Aging Process

The woman wrote in obvious distress that she was repeating herself. Felt depressed. Brain fog. Admitted to the occasional suicidal thought. She was terrified she was getting Alzheimer’s’ disease. At this point…

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