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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

5 Simple Steps to a Healthy Pelvis After 60

Incontinence is an initial warning sign that the strength of your pelvic floor is compromised in some way and no longer has the ability to hold the contents of the pelvis. The initial symptom is leaking urine but if left untreated…

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2 years ago

3 Supreme Rules for Ideal Computer Posture After 60

Do you feel stiff after working on your computer? Do you find yourself slumping, hunching, and with forward head posture trying to look at the screen? Are you looking for ways to do what you need to do on the computer…

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2 years ago

The Correlation Between Hearing Aid Use and Cognitive Function in Older Women

Have you ever thought about having a hearing test? Do you wonder if your hearing health has a connection to cognitive decline? Many studies have been conducted leading us to very definitive answers to this question…

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2 years ago

I’ll Take Mine Black: A Coffee Adventure for Mature Women with Strong Hearts

“I love coffee, I love tea. I love the boys, and the boys love me.” I chanted that silly jump-rope jingle hundreds of times on the Oak Knoll Playground, certain that I’d never acquire a taste for either coffee or tea. Little did I know…

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2 years ago

Fun Fall Activities to Do with Your Grandkids that Boost Healthy Aging

It’s not hard to let the mind wander to visions of fires, pumpkin spice, the jittery excitement of the holidays right around the corner. If you’re already making your autumn plans, don’t miss these clever ideas for activities to do with your grandkids…

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2 years ago

5 Simple Techniques to Naturally Boost Your Energy After 60

How many of us, still in the working universe – or maybe working from home – think they need coffee to boost their energy and jump-start their day? How many of us wake up with a fuzzy brain and mindlessly think a shot of java will do it for them?

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2 years ago

How Summer Helped Me to Get Ready for Fall and Winter

As the days shorten, the sunny hours become more precious. Taking a sunny afternoon walk, I reflect on everything that happened in the last six months of light, travel and a long hiking season. Did the spring and summer seasons transform me?

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2 years ago

Will Your Health Span Match Your Lifespan? How Not to Outlive Your Health

As we round the corner of 60 years of age, the question of retirement looms large. Have I saved enough? How’s my 401K? How much will Social Security provide? I need to call my financial planner. For many, our past preparation and planning for that eventual…

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2 years ago

The Hidden Dangers of Falls for Baby Boomers

Falls are a leading cause of injury and death among older adults, and baby boomers are at especially high risk. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in three adults aged 65 and over will experience a fall each year…

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2 years ago

6 Lessons My Mother Taught Me About (Not) Aging Well

Sometimes we learn what to do from someone who did it all wrong. I found myself realizing I learned a lot from my mother after she turned 60 – but sadly, the lessons are not ones I want to repeat. My mother was the same age as I am now…

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