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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

2 years ago

Answering 6 Questions on Strength Training as an Aging Well Strategy

I reversed my own osteoporosis with a combination of important elements like good sleep, whole-food nutrition, improved gut health, and weightlifting, as well as walking with a weighted vest. Over the last few years, I have used my…

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2 years ago

Facing Alcohol Addiction After 60

In her late 70s, Becky, felt out of place during the Covid-19 crisis. She was finally coming to grips with her alcohol addiction. The problem was exacerbated by her use of prescribed medications – medications she needed to navigate aging…

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2 years ago

New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors – It’s Never Too Late

In these changing and challenging times, it is more important than ever that everyone have goals, including older adults. That may sound odd but consider why it is important to have resolutions as you age…

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2 years ago

A Sedentary Lifestyle Killed My Mom. Don’t Let This Happen to You!

Around her mid-60s, Mama decided that she had worked enough and she completely stopped. She embraced a sedentary lifestyle and spent the long days watching TV from her recliner or sleeping in her bed. This was not the mama…

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2 years ago

Exploring the Many Benefits of Exercise for Arthritis

We all know regular exercise is beneficial: mentally, physically and emotionally. We also know it can be hard to motivate ourselves sometimes, especially if we are dealing with the pain of osteoarthritis…

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2 years ago

Why Wear Shoes That Hurt Your Feet? Make the Switch to Minimal Shoes!

When I was still working in an office, my favorite shoes were a pair of short black cowboy boots with a 2-inch heel and a pointy toe. Wore them all the time, despite the niggling knee pain I experienced while doing so. It didn’t occur…

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2 years ago

I Celebrated One Year Wine-Free

As a young adult, I drank wine to fit in with my social crowd, celebrate victories, and relax at the end of a grueling week. I thought conversations at parties flowed easier with a wine glass in hand. Festive toasts were made at friends’ birthdays…

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2 years ago

How to Make Lasting Health Changes in 2023 According to Science

Every year, millions of people around the world make New Year’s resolutions with the hope that they will make positive changes in their lives. But without a clear plan or structure for implementing these changes, it cannot be easy to make progress…

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2 years ago

Start Your Morning with a 3-Step KISS Routine to Age Well

Welcome new year! You may be thinking about your health and wellness goals. You may have a lot of them, and you realize that if you spread yourself too thin, you will not be successful…

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2 years ago

8 Holiday Health and Fitness Tricks That Aging Women Can Put to Use

In the season of holiday cheer, most of us want to relax, grab a book, and cuddle near the fireplace. This is the perfect occasion to put exercise on the backburner and instead devote our time to cooking or visiting family…

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