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Healthy Aging

What is the key to healthy aging? Do you have a have good genes to live to be 100? Or, will some combination of fitness, supplements, vitamins, food and medicine do the trick? Find out here.

1 year ago

How I’m Staying Strong with Protein

We all know how confusing food advice can be. Eat this. Don’t eat that! And a quick search on Amazon will come up with tens of thousands books on diets. We’re overwhelmed by conflicting advice. Personally, I like to go back to science and think…

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1 year ago

Shoes Are So Much More Important to Your Health Than You May Realize (VIDEO)

This is indeed a blog about wearing minimalist shoes. But I want to disclose up front that I do still wear pretty shoes with heels for fancy occasions. I admit that this is not an optimal strategy for my feet and my alignment. It is a bit like having an occasional cigarette…

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1 year ago

Are You Ready for Summer? Join This 4-Week Challenge to Reboot Your Health Before Memorial Day

Spring is a season of renewal and rejuvenation, and that goes for your body and your health as well! If you are feeling sluggish, inflamed, swollen, or just plain crappy right now, join me for a 4-week challenge that will lead us right into Memorial Day…

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1 year ago

How (and Why) to Cultivate a Lifelong Relationship with Walking

I took my first steps when I was five months old and have been walking – mostly without even thinking about it – ever since. Probably you have, too. Some of us walk to clear our minds or boost our moods. Walking is preventive medicine for most of what ails us…

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1 year ago

Why these Osteoporosis Drugs Can Cause Hair Loss and What to Do About It

Did you know that on average, a person loses between 50 and 100 strands of hair each day? Because we have over 100,000 strands of hair on our heads, we usually don’t even notice our lost hairs. However, if you begin to find more hair than normal…

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1 year ago

7 Tips for the Sober Curious

Society has created such a stigma around being an “alcoholic” that we have an image of a homeless man sitting on a park bench when we hear that word. As a result of this stereotype many people who are drinking too much are able to reassure…

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1 year ago

Personal Hygiene Is Step One in a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle includes the habits of a good hygiene regime. There is very little worse than being too close to a person who smells. The axiom that cleanliness is next to godliness has great wisdom in it. Do we really want other people…

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1 year ago

Vitality Domain #1 – Loving Life with Well-Being and Energy

Well-being and energy comprise the first area for us to explore as we seek to influence our “health span.” It is all about our fitness, diet, managing stress, play and living a life that energizes us. In a way, this is the most challenging area to influence…

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1 year ago

Do You Know What an Outside Mindset Is?

In an article for Sixty and Me I talked about how naturally occurring patterns in nature, also called fractals, are perfect for relieving stress. And that is important for you to know because your health care provider usually does not have enough time…

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1 year ago

Stop! Don’t Compare Your Health Stats to Those of Your Spouse!

Your health is just that – your health. Comparing your laboratory results with your spouse or partner will only lead to confusion and distress. Of course, there are lots of things we can do to optimize our health stats and lead healthier, longer lives…

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