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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

2 years ago

“Good Night, My Sweet Little Grandma” and Other Thoughts on Multi-Generational Living

My husband and I did this on purpose. We were not forced into it for reasons of physical infirmity or financial difficulties. Instead, we were drawn to it by the sheer force of the potential advantages we saw. Chief among those was the ability…

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2 years ago

“I’m Not That Young Grandparent Anymore”: 5 Tips That Work Well After 60!

I realized the other day that I have been grand-parenting for over 20 years and I’m not as young as I used to be. I used to get on the ground with those kiddos and play-wrestle. I climbed trees and monkey bars…

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2 years ago

We Got Our Kicks on Rt 66!

What Baby Boomer doesn’t know at least the refrain from Nat King Cole’s rendition of “Get Your Kicks on Rt. 66”? Rt 66. The “Mother Road.” Neon signs, motels, offbeat and over-sized roadside attractions…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself as a Long-Distance Grandma, While Getting to Know Your Grandkids Better

In today’s world – with grandparents living far away from their grandkids, and grandparents often needing to work well into what should be their retirement years – what can we do to reinvent grandma and make good connections with our grandchildren?

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2 years ago

Overstimulated Grandkids: 4 Practical Tips to Help Ease the Situation

The holidays are behind us, and you may think that the inappropriate behavior of your grandchildren is a thing of the past as well. Unfortunately, the tantrums they threw over a toy they didn’t get from Santa…

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2 years ago

Good Old-Fashioned Play is Still Important for Our Modern Grandkids

Did you know that the amount of time that today’s children spend playing is far less than the amount of time we spent playing? How can that be with all the overwhelmed young mothers who seem to spend their time running their children…

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2 years ago

Why Being a Grandmother Is Easier Than Being a Mother

I heard a simple quote years ago, but back then didn’t understand the meaning. I had to look it up to check. Initially, I thought I remembered Groucho Marx, who said, “The best reason to have children is in order to have grandchildren…”

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2 years ago

Are you Spoiling Your Grandchildren or Just Showing Them Extra Love?

Do you ‘spoil’ your grandchildren? Some people say that this is a common phenomenon. It could be argued that children all over the world are becoming increasingly unhealthy, overweight and demanding. Could this be due to…

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2 years ago

10 Ways to Have a Happy Visit with Out-of-Town Kids and Grandkids

Ever wondered how to have the most successful visit with your adult children, their spouses and your grandkids? Especially when living a long distance away from them prevents short and frequent visits?

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2 years ago

8 Things to Teach Your Grandchildren About Online Safety

Bonding with your grandkids can take many different forms. As the children get older, grandparents can take a back seat, or be a source of reassurance, confidential communications, and words of wisdom…

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