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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

9 years ago

Why Grandmas Need to Support Each Other – Introducing the GaGa Sisterhood (Video)

In my experience, grandmas naturally love to help other people. Even if we consider ourselves to be “modern grandmas,” with our own passions, we still find time to take care of our families and share our wisdom with the world. Many of us, for one reason or another, have even found ourselves raising our grandchildren full-time. Read More

9 years ago

Not Allowed to See Your Grandkids? What About Grandparents’ Rights?

It’s every grandparent’s worst nightmare. After years of caring for your loved ones, you find yourself separated from your grandchildren by a family conflict. At this difficult time, your mind is probably filled with worries. Read More

9 years ago

What is a Grandmother Really? How Modern Grandmas Are Breaking the Mold (Video)

Few roles are as important – or misunderstood – as the role of grandmother. It’s almost as if, once your first grandchild arrives, you are supposed to turn into a baby-sitting, apple-pie-making, scarf-knitting machine. At least, that’s how it feels for many women. Read More

9 years ago

Why Grandparents Rights Won’t Protect You from Family Conflict

Life after 60 can be tough. Over the last few years, I’ve heard from women who are dealing with chronic illnesses. I’ve talked with ladies who have lost their husband to old-age or injury. I’ve heard stories of financial trouble and loneliness. Read More

9 years ago

The Tradition of Oral Storytelling: A Powerful Gift for Our Grandchildren

It’s my belief that teaching the art of oral storytelling is an investment in the futures of our children and grandchildren. It gives them a basic training in sequencing events, and organizing thoughts and experiences into chunks; an invaluable skill to have at any age. And it teaches them how to listen and be heard; a basic ability so many adults have never mastered…

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9 years ago

What is Your Advice for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren?

In today’s complex world, the phenomenon of grandparents raising grandchildren has become increasingly common. Some grandparents find themselves taking on the role full time, after the tragic loss of one of their adult children. Others agree to look after their grandkids temporarily, while their own adult children are out of the country or going through a difficult situation. Read More

9 years ago

There’s No Place Like Home… Except Grandma’s!

I came across a quote today that made me think about the special relationship that grandkids have with their grandparents. The quote was “There’s no place like home, except grandmas.” With my own grandkids, I’ve noticed that there is a special sparkle that appears in their eyes when we talk about going back to my apartment. Read More

9 years ago

The Indescribable Joy of Being a Grandmother

I don’t know about you, but, I love being a grandmother. When I was raising my own children, it seemed like life was a flurry of activity. I was working full-time, always zipping back and forth from the office, trying to squeeze in as much time with my kids as possible. At the same time, while I was raising my kids, every question was a “first” and every problem had to be solved without context. I loved every second of it, but, the time also flew by in a blur. Read More

9 years ago

Happy Grandparents Day 2016 – What Have Your Grandchildren Taught You About Life?

Happy Grandparents Day 2016! Today is one of my favorite days. It’s not that I do anything particularly special. For the rest of my family, Grandparents’ Day is just another checkbox on the calendar. That’s ok with me. Read More

9 years ago

Why Grandparents Day 2016 is for Everyone, Not Just Grandmas and Grandpas

Happy Grandparents Day everyone!

Not so long ago, I wrote an article about the important role that grandparents have to play in making the world a better place. The point that I made was the older adults have a unique set of skills to offer the younger generations. We also have a responsibility to ensure that we leave the world in better shape than we entered it. Read More