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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

5 years ago

3 Ways to Incorporate More Kindness into Your Grandparenting

It’s a rare grandmother who doesn’t look at her grandchildren with concern about what the next few decades have in store. Will we continue on our path of growing disconnectedness from each other…

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5 years ago

How a Baby Granddaughter Can Be the Motivator for Financial Creativity

Last September, we welcomed Zaylee Jean into the world – our first grandchild. She is, of course, perfect in every way. As many of you can relate – it rocks your world in a whole new way…

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5 years ago

The Many Joys of Teaching Our Grandchildren

As any grandmother will know, there are many sources of joy in the time spent with grandchildren. For me, a key one is teaching my grandsons something and seeing how they respond. Read More

6 years ago

Ultimate Family Time: A Multigenerational Safari to South Africa

“Multigenerational travel” has been a buzzword for a few years now. Who can argue with the brochure-ready images of grandparents, adult children, and grandkids all sharing in the joys a family adventure can bring? Read More

6 years ago

6 Tips You Can Use to Help Your Grandchildren Unplug

The other day I was stunned by a news report I saw on TV. It described a month-long camp where parents can send their kids to unplug when they’ve become addicted to screen time. What?! Read More

6 years ago

Why Do You Look After Your Grandchildren – Because You Have to or Because You Want to?

How much time do you spend looking after your grandchildren? If you don’t live nearby, then it is probably decided each time you visit. But if you do live within easy distance, you may have a regular routine. Read More

6 years ago

Why Introducing Your Grandchild to the World of Travel is One of the Greatest Gifts You Can Give Them 

Travel has always been a passion of mine. As a child, I unfortunately did not have the wonderful experience of having grandparents in my life. But I know they were strong and loving people who hardly left the part of London where they were raised. Perhaps, in counterpoint, the strongest and most powerful memories that shaped my values and lifestyle were related to travel. Read More

6 years ago

Patti LaBelle Loves Being a Grandmother – Especially During the Holidays!

We all have our beloved holiday traditions and the things that we look forward to most at this time of year – decorating the house, cooking and baking, shopping and wrapping presents. Read More

6 years ago

8 Things I Learned When Building My Granddaughter’s Doll House

Earlier this year, my 7-year-old granddaughter (B) talked with my wife about wanting “Popeye” – that is, myself – to build her a doll house. After a brief discussion, I thought I could do it but would not be able to start until September, when I was to retire. Read More

6 years ago

What Life Changing Books Did You Read in Your Childhood?

When I was a little girl, I loved reading books. I remember sitting under a tree for hours, letting the images from my favorite stories fill my mind. At the time, I didn’t see reading as being serious business. Like most children, I saw books as a welcome escape from my schoolwork or household chores. Little did I know that the books that I was reading would influence my life for decades to come. It is not an exaggeration to say that many of the books that I read changed my life. Read More