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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

4 years ago

I Just Skipped Dinner… and Gave My Grandson $248,910 for His Retirement

In some ways, retirement planning is fiendishly complicated. You have to guess how long you will live. You need to decide on the right balance of risk and reward for your investments. And, of course, you have to find the money to save in the first place!

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4 years ago

What Better Time to Tell Your Story? Use the Pandemic to Grow Your Legacy

Everybody has a story, yet many fascinating and engaging stories remain untold because we just don’t think they are worth the telling. I challenge you to consider how important the information…

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4 years ago

I Am a Mother-in-Law! These 5 Tips Should Be a Reminder to Follow

Life is surely full of relationships. We are born the child in relationship to our parents, and we may simultaneously become someone’s brother or sister. In our extended family, we will likely have grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins. Read More

4 years ago

4 Ways You Can Help When Your Grandchild Has a Disability

It is devastating for a family to learn that their child has a disability. Sometimes families know before their child is even born. Other times, as is the case with autism spectrum disorder…

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4 years ago

How Technology Assists Grandparenting in the Age of Covid-19

In normal times, my children fly into my life in Miami like the wind, often resembling a soft and balmy breeze, though at times their visits can feel more like a hurricane. They bring precious cargo…

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4 years ago

Sharing These 4 Money Mistakes Will Kill My Image as “Super Grandma” (But, I’ll Do it Anyway!)

Like most children, my grandkids think of me as a superhero. I am a bringer of gifts and laughter. I am their “baba with a backpack” who Skypes them from mountain tops and cruise ships, desert villages and London hotels…

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4 years ago

10 Activities Your Kids Can Do with a Loved One Who Is Living with Dementia – Even When They Can’t Attend in Person

The relationship between a child and a person living with dementia can be very enriching for both. In our Caregiver Summit, I interviewed Kathryn Harrison…

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5 years ago

Dear Grandkids, Don’t Make the Same Money Mistakes that I Did!

Dear Max, Marvel and Jack… Trust me, your relationship with money will really matter one day… and since I won’t be around forever, I wanted to share some of what I have learned about money over the years…

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5 years ago

3 Reasons to Share Your Money Mistakes with Your Grandkids

When I was growing up, my family never discussed money. It wasn’t that my parents or grandparents though that money was “evil.” It’s just that, like many working-class families, we didn’t have much to discuss… or so we thought!

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5 years ago

Practicing Mindfulness and Kindness with Your Grandchildren and Winnie the Pooh

Mindfulness is a state of full awareness, moment by moment, to all one’s experiences, without judgment or bias. Such awareness encompasses external perceptions as well as internal feelings, emotions, and thoughts. Read More