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How important are your grandchildren to you? Whether you are a grandparent raising grandchildren or you just like to help out from time to time, we can help you to build a better relationship with your grandkids.

3 years ago

How we Hosted “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” During the Pandemic

The best benefit of “Camp Grandma & Grandpa” for us during last summer’s pandemic peak was precious time with our grandsons and their parents. We never shared this many weeks together with them since their own childhood… and they probably…

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3 years ago

Gifts for Grandchildren: Choosing a Present they Will Remember

One of the great joys of being a grandmother is spending time with our grandchildren, seeing them enjoy the little moments every day, watching them learn and grow – and then sending them back home to be with their parents…

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3 years ago

Grow Your Relationship with Your Grandchildren by Reading Books About Gardens

Growing your relationship with your grandchildren can be like tending a garden. Each grandchild is unique and, like plants, has different needs. Gardening is a great activity to share with your grandchildren because there are many aspects to it…

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3 years ago

3 Reasons Becoming a Grandmother is the Best Feeling in the World

Ask almost any woman about her new grandchild and she will light up all over, like a young woman in love. Grandmothers are invariably thrilled to bits. Perhaps that is all we need to know. We have become grandmothers and we love it…

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4 years ago

Having Fun with Grandma Names in Different Languages

If you’re a grandmother, what do your grandchildren call you? “Grandma?” “Nana?” “Mammy?” Some women over 60 feel strange being called “Grandma” or other titles because it reminds them of their own grandmothers, who were much “older” women than we are now…

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4 years ago

Attention Grandmothers: What Will Happen to Your Life Story?

Every grandmother has her story. I may not know each of you personally, but I know that, like me, you’ve had loves and losses, trials and triumphs. But where does that story live – other than in your heart and mind?

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4 years ago

The Art of Taking and Sharing Photos as a New Grandma

So, you have become a grandmother! It is a time of excitement, love and warmth – and you are eager to share this with your friends. What better way than via pictures of the new baby? It is so easy these days…

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4 years ago

How to Connect with Young Grandchildren During the Covid Winter

As winter looms, many of us who’ve been able to socially distance with grandchildren outside are now grieving for the near future when the weather will prevent even that abbreviated interaction with our beloved progeny…

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4 years ago

Parenting Adult Children with Mental Health Issues

Mental illness. The term itself is intimidating. For me, it brought back shrouded stories from my youth of friends and relatives who suffered the colloquial ‘nervous breakdown.’ Back then I didn’t know what that meant…

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4 years ago

Virtual Activity Ideas to Do with Grandchildren

When the pandemic quarantine began in March, I figured I could do anything for two weeks. Then two weeks turned into four and four into eight, and here we are in October looking at a possible resurgence in numbers…

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