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Giving Back and Volunteering

After 4 or more decades in the workforce, many women over 60 are deciding to spend more time volunteering in retirement. This is a win-win situation. Giving back provides us with a sense of purpose, while we enrich the lives of those around us.

2 years ago

Politics After 60: Make a Difference Without Running for Office

It’s the year of the midterms in the U.S., and since I live in a ‘swing state’ that could decide the majority party in Congress, I am inundated with TV ads – mostly negative – and mailers touting the sins or virtues of all the candidates…

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2 years ago

10 Steps to Starting a Food Rescue Organization in Your Community

Reducing food waste can help address hunger, reduce greenhouse gas while freeing up landfill space, and conserve water and other natural resources. Charities across the U.S. now ask food donors to assist them in serving healthier meals…

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2 years ago

Kindness and Courage from Melinda French Gates

If you had billions of dollars, how would you use that money to make our world a better place? Who would you help first? How would you make that happen? How would you make sure that your donations were not wasted?

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2 years ago

Are You a Light Bearer: The Power of Being a Mentor After 50

It was 1977, in Winter Haven, Florida, my home town. My parents had sold our farm and were now living in a fifth-wheel camper, parked in a campground. Next to us was a golf course…

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2 years ago

Are You an Empty Nester Looking for Purpose in Life? Volunteer!

What is your purpose in life? The answer is elusive for most of us, especially as it is prone to change depending on many factors, age being just one of them…

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3 years ago

The Ripple Effect of Every Kind and Cruel Act

I live in Minneapolis, where there have been many cruel acts since George Floyd was murdered at the knee of a policeman. This tragic event caused a ripple effect that my city is reeling over. Violence, carjacking, and much more have taken place since that event…

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3 years ago

Make Giving a Year-Round Tradition with Your Grandchildren

By the time you are reading this article, most of your holiday preparations will be done. As we enjoy our families and friends, our gifts, our comfortable homes, and delicious feasts, we are reminded that others cannot afford these things…

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3 years ago

How Important Is It to Make a Difference in Your 60s?

Have you always felt that you’re destined to do something great? In our 60s, we can wake up and think: it’s now or never. Maybe we want to leave our mark on our community or even the world. If we’re retired, we can make up for all of the volunteering…

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3 years ago

Can Litter Pick Up Help Minimize Global Pollution? 72-Year-Old Action Nan Certainly Thinks So!

As a podcaster, I interview influential guests from all over the world. Many are super accomplished and work for the most prestigious media outlets and organizations. Some have massive followings. One is an Academy Award winner. Most are involved…

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3 years ago

Building on Experience and Sharing – Happy Birthday and Happy 100, Betty Reid Soskin

Photo credit: Luther Bailey/National Park Service The articles I have recently read about Betty Reid Soskin put me in mind of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day with the closing lines: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Soskin, throughout her life, seems to have understood […]

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