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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

2 years ago

Want to Live Longer? Learn to Need People More!

We arrange lunch with pals. We keep a doctor’s appointment and visit the dentist for regular cleanings. We schedule a yoga class and offer to pick up our grandchildren from school. We thank an employee or coworker who has gone the extra mile…

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2 years ago

Life’s Clichés: What Do You Do When You Don’t Know Which Advice to Follow?

Maxims of life advice distinctly seem to contradict each other. I keep trying to sort out which recommendations to follow. So, where does that leave us as we start thinking about the New Year and quaint concepts like setting goals and making resolutions?

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2 years ago

Why Are Older People Considered Boring? Is It the Culture – or Is It the Truth?

Old people are boring – truth or myth? While you can split hairs and say, “it depends on the individual,” it’s certainly a broadly accepted stereotype that old people lead boring lives…

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2 years ago

Lessons on Aging from My Mother and Grandmother

Now that I have become “their age” I find myself thinking a lot about my grandmother (Tania) and my mother (Helen). After all, they were my first aging female role models…

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2 years ago

How to Rewrite the Story of Aging After 60

Do you remember in our adolescence all we could think about was getting older? Then a curious thing happened. We became adults and the general perceptions around aging radically changed, and with it, so did our stories about aging…

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2 years ago

Boomers: 65 and Beyond Staying Alive

Age 65! What are your thoughts when you hear it? Let’s start with past messages. Old, over the hill, retirement, social security, and Medicare for Americans are a few common ones. Well, that was then. No more…

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2 years ago

11 Stages of Caregiving – What You Should Know When Taking Care of a Loved One

I talk a lot about the 12 life stages of a caregiver and the caregiving experience. Let’s take a look at 11 of them. Can you relate to the following? Many are thrust into caregiving out of the blue. Now is the time to plan and adjust your mindset…

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2 years ago

Are You Actively Speeding Up the Aging Process?

Julia retired from a fast-paced corporate job about three years ago. At first, she had a difficult time figuring out what to do with all her time. She even slipped into depression seeking medical help and anti-depressants to help her through…

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2 years ago

Have You Discovered This New Freedom?

“Me write an article about orgasms? You must be kidding,” you might have heard me exclaim incredulously some years ago, “No, not me! I’m not an expert and I don’t have the nerve!” But things change as you grow older. In the past year, I have written an article not only about orgasms, but also […]

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2 years ago

5 Evergreen Truths to Mindfully Becoming an Elder

Many people dislike the word elder. I never had a reaction to it because I never really thought of myself in those terms. But a recent spontaneous and heart-warming exchange made me realize…

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