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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

1 year ago

Growing Older the Way I Was When I Was Young Is Just Too Damn Hard

I’ve always been a high energy, hyperactive, super vigilant, take charge, independent woman. The difference is, now I’m also an aging woman, and that one undeniable fact has recently caused me to rethink how I approach life…

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1 year ago

Telling Your Life Story Is Not Difficult… Here’s How to Get Started

Each of us has a powerful life story! Writing that story down helps you identify the core values and beliefs that have been foundational to your success. It gives it a voice. It creates connections. It inspires. As Robert McKee says, “Storytelling is the most powerful…

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1 year ago

7 Pro-Aging Tricks that Every Woman Over 60 Should Know

If I see one more online ad with a tagline like “Doctors hate her! Discover the one weird trick this woman used to look 10 years younger,” I’m going to scream. I’m not sure what makes me more frustrated – the fact…

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1 year ago

I Found My True Self in My 60s and You Can Too!

Sometimes as we age, our true essence can begin to fade. A life that was once vibrant and grand can become subdued and pale. You continue on, day by day with what needs to done and in many ways going through the motions but the spirit can be diminished…

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1 year ago

How Much Do We Owe Our Aging Parents?

There are approximately 44 million adults in the United States of America caring for their aging parents. People are living longer. With this comes the stress of being older ourselves when our parents need a caregiver. Many people over 60 have found…

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1 year ago

Have You Considered the Phenomenon of Reciprocity?

When you were younger but already adult, your parents most likely helped you in every way they could. Not everyone has such help, but a huge number of us do. And perhaps your grandparents did the same. Maybe it was financial help…

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1 year ago

3 Phenomena Show There’s No Better Time for Living Than Now

I’ve written on this theme many times, but I’ll repeat myself: There’s never a better time for living than now. You might ask why? What’s so great about getting older? Well, we have a choice: See our third portion of life as a privilege…

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1 year ago

My Adult Son Thinks I’m Old

We were hiking up a hill in my neighborhood after dinner. Night had fallen, but porchlights on nearby houses and a lone streetlamp lit the way. Michael, my son, said, “You know, Mom, you shouldn’t be doing this…

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1 year ago

Why I’m Editing Out the Expectations About Getting Older

One of the joys of being a writer in my mid-60s is editing out of my life all the things I really don’t want to do, don’t have time to do, or that other people mistakenly think I ought to do. Take running, for instance. I don’t run. I won’t run. I utterly refuse to run…

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1 year ago

What No One Tells You About Getting Older, Until It’s Too Late

I’ve always had a “so-what” approach to getting older. In my youth, I did all those foolhardy things we are warned to avoid – I drank too much, I partied all night, and I never went sunbathing without first dowsing myself in virgin olive oil to make sure I got a deep…

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