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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

11 months ago

Do Our Personality Profiles Change as We Age into Our 60s, 70s, 80s, and Beyond?

I confess to a fascination with psychological studies of personality traits. I don’t think there is a personality inventory I haven’t taken. I like them so much I developed one of my own with the help of my social psychologist husband…

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11 months ago

Wipe Out: A Wake-Up Call to Act My Age? 

I confess to a moment of near euphoria as I sped past traffic crawling to the beach. My smile was so big, drivers smiled back as I zipped past on my lime green e-bike – head tucked in a sturdy helmet and my sweetheart following at a safe distance…

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11 months ago

The Little Lines on My Face, A.K.A. Signs of Aging

You look across the table at your long-time friend over the ‘every Wednesday’ morning cup. Do you see her as aging? Do you see her as she was when you first met? This April I realized I was older. It may seem strange since we all age every day…

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11 months ago

Wrapping Ourselves Around the Subtle Changes After 50

I was emailing one of my subscribers a few weeks ago, and she made a comment that really stuck with me. It was down the lines of, “dealing with some of the major life issues that we do at this stage can be tough while we’re also trying to get…

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11 months ago

My 5-Step Guide for Dealing with Aging

I can’t remember who said that “aging is not for the weak.” And if you think about it, that’s very true. In working with hundreds of women over the age of 40, I have learned that the aging process effects every woman differently. Some gracefully slide…

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12 months ago

A Different Approach to Finances After 60: How Best to Leave This World vs What to Get from This World

Five years ago, we had a group of friends, most of whom were high achievers, over for dinner. Amongst our guests was a client, who had returned to Canada after working as a director at a hospice in California. I thought to tie in our dinner discussion…

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12 months ago

Have You Tried Youthful Thinking? It Works!

Not long ago, a lovely friend of mine referred to herself as an “old woman.” She had inserted another adjective, but it is irrelevant for this discussion. I did not respond to her self-description, but I thought to myself, “You are a talented, creative woman…

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12 months ago

4 Reasons for Bloating During Menopause and What You Can Do to Find Relief

Bloating is prompted by indigestion or gas in the stomach and is most often associated with a protruding stomach. Women may also say their faces show signs of being bloated or use the term bloated feet…

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12 months ago

How the Wisdom of the Older Generation Can Strip Limitations and Point to Longevity

My husband and I were out of state, celebrating our wedding anniversary when his heart stopped beating. I was 39 years old and suddenly, despite my best efforts, I was a widow. I had no clue how I was going to navigate this unfamiliar territory…

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1 year ago

Old Age Is Not Another Country

When I was young – pick any age up to 55 or so – I definitely thought that the future was a foreign country. It would be strange to me, and it would be difficult to cope with. And they would definitely “do things differently” there…

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