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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

10 years ago

Let’s Fight Invisibility by Celebrating the 50th Birthdays of these 5 Celebrities

You might wonder why I am choosing to celebrate the 50th birthdays of celebrities on a website dedicated to finding happiness and making friends after 50. After all, don’t celebrities have all the money, friends and happiness they could wish for? Perhaps, but, their lives are worth celebrating for a different reason – they can help us to fight invisibility and change perceptions about aging.  Read More

10 years ago

New Study Shatters the Aging Stereotype of the “Grumpy Old Man”

Hollywood loves aging stereotypes. When it comes to films and TV shows, at best, older folks are portrayed as eccentric, forgetful and out of touch. At worst, they are grumpy, close-minded and just plain mean. Not much of a choice if you ask me! Read More

10 years ago

2015 Movies that Will Make You Look at Aging Differently

Historically, Hollywood has done a pretty poor job of portraying the aging process in a fair and accurate way. Older people in the movies are usually grumpy, mean, forgetful and tired. They are seldom adventurous, energetic, funny and wise. Well, there are signs that Hollywood may finally be getting the message about aging. While aging stereotypes are still pervasive in the entertainment industry, studios are at least experimenting with more positive films about older people.

Here are 4 films that are coming in 2015 that will make you look at aging differently. Read More

10 years ago

It’s Time to Get Angry About Ageism! Madonna’s Ready for a Fight

When I first read Madonna’s recent comments about ageism in Rolling Stone, I wasn’t sure what to think. On the one hand, I’ve seen first-hand how ageism can impact people over 60. I’ve heard heart-breaking stories of people being pushed out of their jobs, passed over for promotions and marginalized socially. Ageism is real and it should be addressed. Read More

10 years ago

Was Age Discrimination the Reason this 61-Year-Old Was Kicked Out of Army?

When you think about a 61-year-old being kicked out of the Army because of his age, it’s natural to assume that he was not able to meet the physical standards of the job. In the case of Kevin Fulthorpe, who was asked to retire from his Army post at age 61, this is most definitely not the case. As reported by Wales Online, Fulthorpe meets the Army’s own standards for a physical training instructor. Read More

10 years ago

54-Year-Old Man Does 4,321 Pull-Ups, Fights Ageism

As many women in the Sixty and Me community have experienced, ageism is still alive and kicking in America. This is true in the workplace and in almost every other aspect of our lives. So, today, I was so happy to read about a 54-year-old man who is proving that age is just a number. Read More

10 years ago

Turning 60 this Year? It’s Time to Celebrate!

Are you turning 60 this year? Congratulations! You’re about to join an exclusive club, filled with people who are reinventing their lives and exploring their passions.

If there is one thing that I have learned from the Sixty and Me community, it’s this – life after 60 is whatever you make it. I know people in their 60s who are in the best shape of their lives. I also know men and women who struggle to get out of the house once a day. Older business owners are the fastest growing group of entrepreneurs. At the same time, there are plenty of people who complain about not having any opportunities for professional growth after 60. Life after 60 is yours to define.

Here are a few tips for celebrating your 60th birthday and planning the next stage of your life. Read More

10 years ago

Turning 50: Realizing that Age Really is Just a Number

If you are turning 50 this year, you may be a bit apprehensive. After all, life in your 50s is a time of transitions. If you had children, they have probably left the house and are beginning the long process of building their own lives. Read More

10 years ago

Getting Older: How Many Ages Are You Now?

Do you often think about getting older? Do you ever find yourself regressing to a younger age? I know I do! There are times when I am traveling to a new place that I feel myself becoming deeply connected with my inner-child. Looking out the window, I remember the wonder of discover and the simple pleasure of seeing a place for the first time.

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10 years ago

“You Look Great for Your Age” and Other Backhanded Compliments

If you’re a woman over 60, I guarantee that, at some point in the last few years, a young store clerk has called you “dear,” “honey,” or “love.” They are just trying to be sweet, of course. At the same time, they would never call someone their own age one of these names. So, why do we get the “honor” of being pampered with such gentle and obsequious titles? Read More