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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

9 years ago

Meryl Streep Has Had Enough of Ageism

Hollywood has never taken a particularly positive view on aging. In the movies, older characters are usually portrayed as “over the hill,” grumpy and out of touch. The aging process itself is usually presented as something to be feared, not embraced. Read More

9 years ago

Sandra Bullock is People Magazine’s “Most Beautiful Woman” – But, is She Real?

I have mixed feelings about Sandra Bullock being promoted as People’s “most beautiful woman” for 2015. On the one hand, it’s wonderful to see a 50-year-old woman being held up as a symbol of beauty. In addition, Bullock has always struck me as a genuine person, who cares about her family and the world around her. Read More

9 years ago

How Old is Old? Is 60 Really the New 40?

How old is old? In most western countries, retirement age is the milestone after which someone becomes “elderly” or a “senior.” But, is this really fair? After all, in 1930, around the time that Social Security was established, a 65-year-old woman could expect to live 12.8 years. By contrast, a woman that turned 65 in 2009 could expect to live 20.3 years. Read More

9 years ago

Stop Obsessing About Getting Older, Says Diane Keaton

Many women – and quite a few men for that matter – worry about getting older. Personally, I was 49 for several years, before finally admitting to the world, and myself, that I was in my 50s.

It’s not just the obvious things that we worry about, like wrinkles or a few extra pounds. Many of us obsess about more important things, like how to find meaning in our lives now that our kids have left the house or how to build new friendships as our social situations change. Read More

9 years ago

6 Life-Changing Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves on Their 60th Birthday

So, your 60th birthday is almost here. Congratulations! You’ve already accomplished so much in your life – and you’re just getting started! At the same time, it’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive as you approach this important milestone. I know I did. Read More

9 years ago

What’s the Best 50th Birthday Gift for a Man?

Turning 50 is a milestone. A few of us worry – unnecessarily, I might add – about “getting old.” But, for the most part, we recognize that life after 50 is a time for exploring our passions, getting in great shape and preparing for decades of active life ahead. Read More

9 years ago

Looking for 60th Birthday Ideas? This 100-Year-Old Woman May Inspire You

How are you planning on spending your 60th birthday? Will you mark this special occasion with friends and family? Will you go on a short trip? Or, will you perhaps do something more “adventurous,” like skydiving or swimming with sharks? Read More

10 years ago

Susan Sarandon and Her Man Challenge Aging Stereotypes

Boomers have never followed the rules. At every life stage, we have challenged the status-quo. Now as we reach our 60s, we are challenging aging stereotypes. Read More

10 years ago

We Need a New Way of Looking at the Aging Process – Pope Francis

It’s always been fascinating to me how society has a tendency to treat one of its greatest assets, older people, as a liability. Why do we fear the aging process so much? Think about it for a second. We spend our entire lives acquiring skills, having experiences and, hopefully, finding wisdom. Read More

10 years ago

When it Comes to Ageism in Hollywood, Society is to Blame, Says Antonio Banderas

Does life imitate art or does art imitate life? That’s the crux of the question raised by Antonio Banderas’ recent comments on ageism in Hollywood. Read More