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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

9 years ago

Getting Older and the Search for Meaning

One of the biggest challenges that we all face as we get older is how to find new meaning in our lives. For better or for worse, our younger years are defined by the people around us. We are needed by our kids, partners, colleagues, bosses and friends. Then, in our 60s, things start to change. Our kids are doing their own thing. Our careers are slowing down – or ending all together. Read More

9 years ago

This Jamie Lee Curtis Quote About Aging is Right on the Money

Jamie Lee Curtis may have got her start in horror films, but, there is one thing that she definitely isn’t afraid of – getting older! Instead of seeing life after 60 as a time to take it easy, she is looking forward to the opportunity to make the absolute most of her life. Read More

9 years ago

Judi Dench’s Advice to Her Younger Self is Spot on!

By anyone’s standards, Judi Dench has done a lot of things “right” in her life. Not only has she followed her passions and become one of the best-loved actresses of all time, but, she is also a genuinely good person. Read More

9 years ago

What One Word Describes the Experience of Turning 60 to You?

Every stage of our lives can be described in words. For many years, the words that described our experiences as women centered on our social roles. As young women, many of us we were curious, maternal, fulfilled, ambitious and creative. These adjectives were like stepping stones that deepened as our lives became more complex. Read More

9 years ago

6 Inspiring Actresses Over 60 Who Are Known for More than Their Looks

Female celebrities are often in the spotlight for how beautiful they look. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that when actresses over 60 are in the news, it is often behind headlines like “6 Actresses Over 60 Who Still Look Great!” Read More

9 years ago

What is the Relationship Between Spirituality and Aging? (Video)

Spirituality is not just a tool for addressing the challenges of aging. It is a key to reaching our potential at any age. This is the view of Carol Orsborn, who has written 21 books and dedicated her life to helping boomers to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Read More

9 years ago

Should Life After 50 Be About Slowing Down or Speeding Up?

Most people over 50 don’t consider themselves “old.” And, why should we? After all, most of us aren’t planning on retiring any time soon. Our aches and pains are occasional, not chronic. Our brains are buzzing along happily, with few, if any signs of forgetfulness or mental fuzziness.

At the same time, it often feels like the world expects us to start slowing down. Read More

9 years ago

Jane Fonda’s Book, Prime Time, Fights Aging Stereotypes

The problem with aging stereotypes is that they can become self-fulfilling prophesies. When we see example after example in movies and on TV of older people getting grumpy, boring and disconnected from the world in their later years, we start to believe that this is “normal.”

Today, I came across an interesting analogy by Jane Fonda. I haven’t read her book, “Prime Time,” yet, but, the idea stuck out enough that I want to mention it here. Read More

9 years ago

Helen Mirren Says these Are the Two Most Insulting Words to Call a Woman

As the founder of Sixty and Me, I know just how difficult picking names for groups of people can be. After all, some people are proud to be called baby boomers, while others want nothing to do with the title.

Well, according to Helen Mirren, there are two words that no one should call a woman – “sassy” and “feisty.” In an interview with The Times, she said that “We need new words for female power and funniness and smartness.” Read More

9 years ago

Pomegranates and the Secret Beauty of Getting Older

I love pomegranates. I’m not just talking about how wonderful they taste – although they are certainly delicious. I’m talking about something slightly deeper. Pomegranates remind us that what is on the inside really matters. In fact, as you probably already know, sometimes the ones that look the roughest on the outside are the sweetest on the inside. Read More