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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

8 years ago

What is Being 60 Years Old Like in 2 Words? These 224 Women Have the Answers

How would you describe being 60 years old in 2 words? That was the deceptively simple question that I recently asked the women in our Sixty and Me community. Why “deceptively simple?” Because, shorter definitions are often the hardest to give. As Mark Twain once said, “I would have written a shorter letter but I didn’t have the time.” Read More

8 years ago

Life Is Not a Dress Rehearsal – Don’t Slip Quietly Into Grannydom

Why is it that so many women, once they reach a certain age (usually taken to be about fifty), allow themselves to sink into grannydom; yet again, living within the expectations of others. Those expectations include putting on weight, doing strange things to their hair, dressing old, baking, disappearing, baby sitting, knitting… knitting?!?!

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8 years ago

Let’s Say No to Aging Stereotypes and Embrace Our True Selves

So, I’m busy deleting all those Facebook sidebar adverts for funeral plans, lawyers who will arrange Power of Attorney and annuity providers when it suddenly hits me: who the cotton-picking heck do these people think I am? Closely followed by: who do I think I am? Read More

8 years ago

How Has Your Definition of Home Changed Over the Decades?

What does “home” mean to you? I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately. For the past year, it’s been a theme that I’ve explored in my writing. The protagonist struggles with this question in my latest novel. Then, as the migrant crisis overseas intensified, I was caught up in thinking about how those countless numbers of people had everything in their lives decimated. I imagined, with a heavy heart, the definition of “home,” for them, will be complex and painful…

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8 years ago

Anxious About Getting Older? Here’s How to Get Back on Track

I smiled when I read the following quote by David Bowie: “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.”

I’ve been mindful of this mantra every day of my life since the age of 50. Read More

8 years ago

List-less in London – The Joys of Getting Busier with Age

Who was it that said they wished they could get to the top of the stairs before they forgot why they wanted to go up there the first place? No, I don’t remember either, but the first three words of that sentence are kind of becoming the leitmotif for my life. Read More

8 years ago

Who Are You Calling an Old Biddy? How to Describe Modern Aging

Let’s face it. After the “Over the Hill” birthday cards, banners and party favors begin at age 50, the onslaught of terms used to describe the universal process of getting older – well, really suck. Read More

8 years ago

Everything I Was Told About Getting Older Was Wrong

Getting older was something that I always heard the women in my family talk about. They discussed how awful the “change” was and said that life would never be the same again. It was always a very sad and disappointing topic. Read More

9 years ago

What’s the Point of Getting Older?

When we are younger, our birthdays are milestones for largely superficial reasons. Maybe we look forward to turning 21 so that we can, officially, go out drinking with our friends. Perhaps we fear turning 30… or 40… or 50 because of the new wrinkles that each decade brings. Read More

9 years ago

Getting Older Should Be About Looking Forward, Not Back

Why do we live in the past? Why don’t we look forward to whatever years we have left? Is it because we know we’re going to die? If so, I can’t think of a better reason to enjoy our lives and keep planning for the future. We should never stop dreaming, dancing, laughing and learning. Read More