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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

8 years ago

A Boomer’s Guide to Understanding Millennials

Have you noticed the millennial bashing that’s going on? Here’s just a minuscule sampling of headlines in the press: Millennials are killing off the car industry. Millennials are killing off paper napkins. Millennials are killing off bar soap. Are Millennials killing off wine? How millennial lack of manners is killing off class. Read More

8 years ago

Getting Older Isn’t Painful, but, People’s Reactions to Our Aging Are

For most of our lives, we are taught that getting older is something to be feared. This is especially true for women, who are shown example after example of how society values youth over experience. Read More

8 years ago

Am I the Only One Still Using Bar Soap? I Guess I’m Finally Getting Old!

They told me one day I would feel old, but I just refused to believe them.

Age 30. Then 40, 50, 60, now 64. Nope, not old. Grey hair. White hair. Thinning hair. Definitely more hair in my ears and my nose than on the growing bald spot on the back of my head. Still didn’t feel old. Besides, that’s what small scissors are for. Read More

8 years ago

For Baby Boomers, the Stairways to Heaven Are Changing

When it comes to funerals, many Baby Boomers are literally thinking outside the box.

Of course, that really shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. Those born between 1946 and 1964 have been constantly reinventing most life stages as they have been passing through them. So why should death be any different? Read More

8 years ago

5 Things Living in Italy Taught Me About Looking and Feeling Younger

I swear, since I have lived in Florence, I have aged 10 years! Read More

8 years ago

At Age 86, this Ironman Triathlon Competing Nun is Shattering Aging Stereotypes

Take a second to imagine yourself as the ultimate sportswoman. As you complete the 2.4-mile leg of your latest Ironman Triathlon, the salty waves crashing over your head, your body starts to setting into a comfortable rhythm… well, at least as “comfortable” as someone can be when they know that they still have a 112 mile bike ride and a 26.22 mile run ahead! Read More

8 years ago

24 Things Women Over 60 Love About Getting Older

There is so much negativity in the world about getting older. From the way that older people are portrayed in movies and on TV, you could be forgiven for thinking that life after 60 is something to be feared. Read More

8 years ago

Getting Older Requires Us to Find Our Own Meaning. Here’s How…

Do you ever ask yourself why we get older? Why do we continue to live for decades after our “productive” years end?

As our bodies lose their physical strength and mental sharpness, why do we continue? These are fascinating questions and, as we will discover, they get at the essence of what it means to find meaning in life after 60. Read More

8 years ago

Gaining Confidence with Age: You Are Perfect Just the Way You Are

An old friend of mine from over a decade asked me to dance the other night. I have danced Argentine tango for over 20 years. However, each time a beautiful and elegant dancer asks me to dance, I am honored and full of anticipation and joy. I also wanted those next four tangos to be danced perfectly. Read More

8 years ago

What Happens When 80-Year-Olds Look 18?

I remember watching In Time, a movie with Justin Timberlake, a few years ago and pondering a world where everyone looks 18. In the film, Justin’s character, Will Salas, lives in a society in which the rich have reversed the aging process and can, effectively, live forever.

In Time is mostly about class struggle, but, it was the social implications of reversing aging that I found fascinating. Read More