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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

7 years ago

When it Comes to Happiness and Longevity, Don’t Forget the Power of a Smile

You know how some people absolutely radiate happiness? How just being around them, even for a minute, can make you happy too?

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7 years ago

Positive Post Surgery Care: 5 Tips for Surviving and Thriving After Your Treatment

When I woke from surgery for breast cancer there was a painting of a dragonfly on the ceiling above my bed. One ritual I developed to help myself prepare for surgery was to walk on the beach daily. Read More

7 years ago

Fighting Invisible Time Bandits: Get the Most from the Time You Have Left

I have a love/hate relationship with time. I used to feel like I had all the time I needed. It could drag on forever. Or maybe that was only true when I was five.

Around the age of 50, I started telling myself a scary story, the one where I’m running out of time. Read More

7 years ago

Taking Antibiotics? Be Sure to Protect your Digestive System!

Antibiotic use in the United States is among the highest in the world. In fact, this class of drugs is prescribed to four out of five Americans every year. They are an effective treatment and prevention for a variety of bacterial infections ranging from pneumonia to UTIs. And most of us have taken antibiotics at some point in our lives. Read More

7 years ago

Finding a Location that Makes Aging in Place Comfortable

Is it just me or does everyone who grows older alone think about the current circumstances and ask, How can I create a safe and independent lifestyle?
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7 years ago

Will You Live to 100? Here’s How to Find Out

Knowing I want to eat chocolate cake at my 100th birthday party, I decide it’s time to check my odds of living so long. A quick web search later, I’m staring at an online quiz. Read More

7 years ago

6 Silly Myths About Aging… and What to Do About Them!

Are older women invisible? Do we abandon intimacy when we turn 60? Are we behind the times or afraid of technology? Of course not! But, these are just a few of the many myths about aging that are prevalent in society. Today, I want to share 6 silly myths about aging and encourage everyone in the community to fight back against them. We are stronger together! Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

7 years ago

Reflections on Life: 5 Things I Have Learned by My 60s

Yes, the big SIX ZERO hits me on April 29. I remember freaking out at 30 but no so much with the other decades of 40 and 50. Read More

8 years ago

10 Surprising Benefits of Turning 60

A week ago, I was asked to participate in a performance project called, “Maiden, Mother, Matriarch.” I was one of the women/performers in the Matriarch group. In preparation for the performance, we had a few heart-to-heart discussions about our experience of being 60. Read More

8 years ago

Turning 70 is a Reason to Celebrate – So, Love, Dance and Live!

Women in their 60s often say they feel invisible. In their 70s, they say they’re ghosts. In their 80s, they say they’re shadows of ghosts.

There’s no stopping the march of time or the limited visibility women experience in their later decades. But there’s no reason to reinforce that societal disservice by hiding.

That’s why I threw myself an astounding 70th birthday party. Here’s what I learned from turning 70. Read More