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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

4 years ago

5 Reasons I Am Becoming a Grumpy Old Woman in My 60s

I would guess that most people who know me see me as a cheerful older woman, with a good life and little to complain about. All this is true. Yet, at the same time, I can feel myself turning into a Grumpy Old Woman. Read More

4 years ago

Let’s Challenge Aging Stereotypes with the Words We Use

If you’re passed 60, you might be giving in to the misguided images that society has long promoted about being older. It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? It’s so easy to do, isn’t it? If something hurts, it must be because you’re aging…

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5 years ago

Approaching Retirement Alone? 3 Strategies to Stay Social, Happy and Healthy

Financial matters are the top concern for most women 60 and over. Members of my community more often than any other issue, say money and outliving their finances is their main worry…

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5 years ago

Are You Set in Your Ways? Here’s How to Tell

It’s not just our joints that we need to keep flexible as we get older. The trouble is, we find a steady way of doing things that works well for us. In fact, it’s always worked well for us…

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5 years ago

What the 90-Year-olds Taught Me

One evening after we’d been living at The Terraces for a few weeks, my husband looked around the dining room and said, “These people are all old. How do you feel about it?”

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5 years ago

How Happy Do You Feel in Your Own Skin? Growing Old May Have Something to Do with It

An old friend and I were chatting recently via email. She had sent me a photograph she had taken of me earlier that day. I replied that it made me notice how very white my hair is and that I needed a haircut…

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5 years ago

Learning to Love Your Aging Body – Ignore the Signs of Aging!

She is a famous author. At the time we met, she was in her early-to-mid fifties. What I noticed first about her were her feet, misshapen by bunions and corns, toes crowded and crossing over to form toe braids. Read More

5 years ago

16 Truths About Reaching 60 – the Universal and the Personal

Any article with a title that promises to deliver the truth about anything, especially being 60 and over, must of necessity be written in broad strokes. It just isn’t possible to cover it all. There are too many variables, too many options…

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5 years ago

Losing Your Memory in the Details – It Can Get You in a Knot!

It is a well-known fact that we begin to lose our memories as we age. I’m not talking about serious conditions like dementia, but just day-to-day problems of bringing something to mind. Much of it isn’t too important…

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5 years ago

The 5 Stages of Dealing with Unexpected Life Events After 60

This is a crazy time of life – with so many friends and family members with health issues. In my small community of 4,300, we lost 50 friends and neighbours last year. We also said goodbye to our 15-year-old dog…

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