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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

3 years ago

Am I Old or Older – or A Rose by Any Other Name?

I was recently talking to some friends about the fact that I was writing a book about being in our later years, which I have just published. I may have used the word “old.” One woman immediately alerted me to be careful never to use the word…

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3 years ago

Life Doesn’t Have a “Best By” Date

There is salad dressing in my refrigerator that dates back to the Bush administration. And there’s a plastic container in the back that’s growing a chemistry experiment but I’m afraid to look, so I just leave it there. I know when the milk…

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3 years ago

Where Have the Wheaties Gone?

There are products that have been with us since childhood. You know just where to find them on the shelf, in the grocery store, in the pharmacy or wherever you and your family shop. Or, do you? In grocery shopping over the past months, I would casually…

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3 years ago

When You Don’t Feel Qualified for Life

If you’ve lived six decades or more, you have probably experienced some unexpected and profoundly difficult life events. Perhaps the loss of a spouse, divorce, an unsuccessful business venture or being let go from the job you loved…

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3 years ago

Why We Need to Challenge Our Biases as We Age

My son called me recently to share an observation he’s had at college. While his older professors are wise and erudite, they aren’t necessarily as open to new ideas as some of his younger professors. He’s onto something. It’s generally accepted…

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3 years ago

What You Need to Know When Considering a Home Funeral

In 1911, when newspaper publisher and journalist Joseph Pulitzer died, he was waked in the library of his Manhattan home. The room was filled with floral tributes and the furniture arranged for the assembly of mourners. Throughout the morning, family, friends…

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3 years ago

4 “Goddess Moves” to Boost Your Body Confidence at 60 Plus

When I was 40, I began to develop Arthritis. It began slowly, at first in my fingers, however by the time I was in my late 50s, I was really suffering with pain, joint stiffness and swelling in my feet, knees, hands and ankles. I knew that I needed to find a way…

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3 years ago

Have You Started Living Your Second Life Yet?

Eugenie was telling me how wonderful she felt. This was unusual and unexpected because she was in her early 70s and had several health challenges, but on this day she told me: “Something has shifted, and it’s all because I did something…

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3 years ago

Caregiving 101: Using the Internet to Learn What We Never Learned in School

I don’t think the phrase “leg bag” was ever part of my husband’s and my vocabulary when we were newly-wed several decades ago. But it was just one more thing we learned over the course of his treatment for a stubborn and troublesome kidney stone…

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3 years ago

Feel Invisible? Remember, “Older Women” Can Get Away with Almost Anything

A few days ago, I went to my gym and headed for one of two empty rowing machines only to be stopped by a young man of sub-average fitness. He and his buddy had corralled three sets of lighter weights (the ones most popular in a gym)…

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