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Getting Older

Getting older isn't a popular concept. There are so many aging stereotypes and myths, that many of us grow up fearing our 50th or 60th birthdays. In reality, getting older can be a blessing. For starters, the older you get, the better you know yourself. In addition, you finally have the time to explore your passions. Let's explore and celebrate the aging process together!

2 years ago

Looking and Feeling Young… Beyond 80!

It has been my ‘lot’ in life to always look younger than I am. It doesn’t help that I am also small. There are a number of people like me about. I am sure we would all agree that it was terrible when we were younger…

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2 years ago

Aging Well Is Hard Work… But, It’s Worth it!

The road I live on isn’t paved. It stretches for a mile – a dusty avenue wide enough for two vehicles, and treacherous after a heavy rain. I knew this a dozen years ago when we found our property, which ultimately became our home…

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2 years ago

6 Smart Ways to Save on Healthcare Costs

If you’re pinching pennies trying to save up for a big trip this summer, the biggest hurdle you face may be rising healthcare costs. Whether it’s co-pays on supplemental insurance plans, expensive prescriptions, or even everyday medical equipment…

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2 years ago

Take Good Care of Your Gums in Your 60s and They’ll Take Care of You Forever

I grew up seeing some of my older relatives remove their ‘teeth’ before going to bed. Sometimes, they expressed discomfort with chewing or dentures that were either too tight or too loose. I decided early on in my life that I was not going to go down…

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2 years ago

7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60

Some things I have mastered. Mostly, things that I’ve done over and over, often with little attention. Things like driving a car. Or riding a bicycle. Or brewing a pot of coffee. No need for deep thought or remembering details…

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2 years ago

How Our Perception of Time Changes as We Get Older

“When will Mommy come, Grandma?” my granddaughter used to ask several times a day when she was little. At first, I assumed she missed her mother. I’m sure that was true some of the time, but usually she didn’t seem sad…

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2 years ago

Care Conversations – When and How to Have Them

Having a conversation about preparing for aging with mom or dad can be challenging. Heck, having them with a spouse is not a breeze either. Topics like finances, insurance, wills, estate planning, living situations, care and treatment plans…

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2 years ago

Condescending to Older People – Is This the New Normal?

A few months ago, my husband was approached by a young researcher, doing a study on the frail elderly and clearly keen to approach all such people with the right attitude. Yet once you have the need for a particular ‘attitude’…

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2 years ago

Long-Term Care Insurance: Let’s Cover the Basics

Shopping for long-term care insurance can be a complex process. There are many “moving parts,” so consumers need to educate themselves on finding the right policy for their situation. Think carefully about what you want out of a long-term care…

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2 years ago

Could Finding Self-Acceptance Be the Greatest Gift of Aging?

As a 66-year-old woman, I’m facing the challenges all aging women face – not only the physical challenges caused simply by wear and tear, but emotional ones that have to do with getting older in a world where aging stigma exists…

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