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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

1 year ago

That’s Me in the Corner, Losing My Religion

When it comes to spirituality, I’m all over the map. Early childhood in Catholicism, late teenager goddess religion, Irish mysticism and earth-based spiritualty, Buddhism, meditation circles, Emersonian transcendentalism as well as attending mosques…

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1 year ago

Cultivating a Sense of Wonder by Opening Up to Curiosity

Do you remember what it was like to be a curious child with such an insatiable appetite for new experiences, you rushed into your day with boundless energy and enthusiasm? Perhaps it’s not always that way now. I know, it’s changed…

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1 year ago

Knowing Myself Series Part 4: Letting Others In (Managing Annoying Me)

If you want to learn how to swim, you start on dry land. Walking slowly in, you acclimate to the water, literally letting it wash over you as you wade in. Eventually, the watch is up to your shoulders, covers most of your body and you put your head…

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1 year ago

How Does Masculine and Feminine Energy Impact Your Love Life?

One of the most common things I hear from women regarding what they want in a relationship is that they are looking for a true partner to share life’s joys and responsibilities. We are tired of being ‘in charge’ of everything, even though we’re so good at it…

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1 year ago

All You Need Is Love

I’ve always viewed February as the month of love. Whether it’s about loving oneself, a spouse, partner, parent, child or pet, being mindful of the importance of love is a vital life force. Many of us have easily gotten lost…

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1 year ago

Making Amends After Making Mistakes

There is some part of human nature that encourages people to make amends. We all make mistakes – however much we don’t like that fact – and it makes us feel better if we can put them right. Particularly sizeable ones…

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1 year ago

Knowing Myself Series – Part 3: Time Takes Time (Including the Bucket List)

I’m always in a rush to get things done. Run the errands, finish a project, clean up after a meal. Rushing has not served me well. I have accidents. I miss information. I am still not settled, nor at peace…

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1 year ago

To Date or Not to Date, Is That Really the Question?

I have been divorced for 15 years and in that time period I have had three two-year relationships and many dates. Relationship #1 ended in his unexpected death. #2 ended because he bored me into a coma, #3 was with a musician 13 years younger…

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1 year ago

The 3 Woes of Emotional Eaters and How to Break the Cycle

Emotional eating is a form of compulsive eating. We eat when not hungry, and we cannot stop. Emotional eating is also a coping mechanism. We eat in response to positive and negative emotions. Food is a mood regulator, and we increase…

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1 year ago

What Made You Laugh Today?

When my husband and have meals with our grandchildren, we often have a favorite game we play at the dinner table. We call it ‘the mad, sad, glad’ game. I highly recommend it. The rules are quite simple. We begin by going around the table…

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