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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

1 year ago

How Your Love of Nature Can Be a Great Conversation Starter

Nature is my spiritual supplement. Chillaxing under the verdant canopy of a sycamore tree, imagining familiar shapes in the clouds floating across an azure sky, mimicking the song of a thrush whistling in the wood, yipping and skipping down a country road…

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1 year ago

Change That Behavior – Choose a Reward That Stimulates Positive Change After 60

Have you kept your New Year’s Resolutions? According to the U.S. News and World Report, 80% of resolutions fail by February, most by January 12th. Really. Year after year, I resolved to start my day with a series of morning stretches and exercises…

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1 year ago

Love Story: How Writing One Can Change Your Life

A few years ago, I decided to interview my mother about her relationship with my deceased dad. Enough time had passed, we shared more funny stories than sad ones. Since we lived 2,000 miles apart, we scheduled an hour most Sunday mornings…

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1 year ago

Turning Yourself Upside Down to Find Balance After 60

I stand on my head because I can. Every time I turn myself upside down I find my balance – literally and figuratively. That’s when I take center stage in my life. That’s when I’m living my experience in the present with full consciousness and intention…

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1 year ago

6 Steps to Total Freedom After 60

When you crossed the threshold of 60, you arrived at a truly remarkable moment in your life. Being 60 and over is worthy of a celebration because it is the gift of total freedom. Where does this level of freedom come from? And how can you access…

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1 year ago

Vitality Domain #2 – How Your Mindset Impacts Your Life Span

We are continuing our exploration of the Vitality Domains that support our healthy aging. The second of four life areas that influence our health span is mindset. This encompasses our beliefs about aging, optimism, and mindfulness or presence…

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1 year ago

Laughing Through the Third Act: How Do You Learn to Take Yourself Less Seriously?

A funny thing happened on my way to retirement. I became a humor writer. It wasn’t part of some grand plan. Rather, it was a serendipitous occurrence born from the acute terror of not knowing what I was going to do with the rest of my life…

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1 year ago

10 Happiness Factors Determine Success with Online Dating

You’ve all probably seen Harvard’s ongoing Happiness Project or the yearly stats on the Danes and Swedes being the happiest people in the world. Why does this matter? As a dating coach and former matchmaker, I see some patterns when it comes to dating…

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1 year ago

How to Create the Feeling of Home Wherever You Live After 60 – Use Your Senses Wisely!

Of all the words in the dictionary, the word “home” resonates a place in our heart reserved for feelings that are almost indescribable. Like a sigh, it just belongs there, settled in and comfortable, resting assuredly in the folds of our heart…

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1 year ago

Feeling Lost Navigating Your Next Chapter?

Are you feeling lost navigating your next chapter? Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us – even those of us with multiple degrees and a library card that’s more worn than our favorite pair of slippers. It’s like trying to decipher a cryptic crossword puzzle…

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