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Finding Happiness

What are the keys to finding happiness after 60? How can we learn to be more positive in the best years of our lives? For starters, we must learn to manage our expectations. We must also put a high priority on our health and social relationships. But, this is just the beginning.

12 months ago

13 Happiness Practices You Can Start Right NOW and Enjoy Brighter Days as a Mature Woman!

How do we cultivate our happiness? Does happiness can just happen, or can we make it so? As we age, we realize that happiness is more of a choice than a random occurrence. Try incorporating some of these happiness practices into your life every day…

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12 months ago

Needing a Virtual Hug in My 60s

Here I sit, tucked away in a quiet, distant corner of Orlando airport, waiting to board a flight to London, ready to start my new life: yet again. My emotional swings have been crazy today; I awakened full of beans, excited, optimistic…

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12 months ago

Do You Dislike You? Follow These 4 Steps to Like Yourself More

There’s a perception that with age comes self-acceptance and confidence. While that can be true, self-esteem is a fickle thing. Even those with strong self-esteem go through low points. For some, aging intensifies feelings of self-doubt and dislike, poisoning all aspects of life. Which begs the question, is it possible to overcome those feelings and […]

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12 months ago

How to Find Mental Balance in Your Life After 60

I think living a ‘balanced’ lifestyle is an art because, like art, it is a skill. Like art we create our palate. What is considered balance for one is not considered balance for all. But one thing is true, our success as creators of a balanced lifestyle is…

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1 year ago

Fulfilling a Dream: I Published a Book!

It was a dream. Maybe deep down I’ve always wanted to share my truths with others? What does “sharing one’s truth” even mean? It sounds kind of hippy dippy. But that phrase has spiritual undertones to me. I thought at one point about going…

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1 year ago

The Power of Going Within

The process of life has a way of changing how we see ourselves. Women, in order to survive the journey, have to constantly adjust themselves, and often, in doing so, lose sight of who they really are. Most of us don’t come to this realization…

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1 year ago

Puppy Love: How Adopting a Dog Can Bring Joy to Women Over 60

“I said I’d take a dog, but I’m not sure I want that one.” “He’s a real sweetheart,” Brittany, a staff member, assured me. He was big with the smushed-in face of a bulldog, but the height of a boxer. He had a barrel chest, and his front legs were shorter than the back ones…

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1 year ago

How Can You Tell if You’re Happy? It’s a Harder Question than It Sounds!

Knowing that you’re in a happy state seems like a no-brainer, right? As the song goes, “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” While I am not clapping my hands, I have become aware of my happiness. I am happy. That doesn’t mean I am…

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1 year ago

Fragile Is Only a Feeling

Driving over 14 hours with my estranged ex-husband, I remembered I know how to thrive. Leading up to this trip I was in a funk, or my meds had stopped working, but it was definingly a low-grade depression. Empty nest syndrome…

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1 year ago

3 Initial Steps to Take as We Figure Out What’s Next for Us After 50

So many women email me and tell me that they are ready to take some time each day to do the thing that brings them joy and purpose. Something that they love to do and that is just for them. And, more often than not, they have ZERO idea what that thing is!

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